This connected the caller to the number. He invented the telephone because he is an inventor and he wanted to find a way how to communicate with other people apart from talking to them face-to-face. Bell's Biography Alexander Graham Bell was born on March 3, 1847, in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Who invented telephone and why? Why Telephone Was Invented By Alexander Graham Bell Essay. But the story of who invented the telephone goes beyond these two men.

The The telegraph was a highly successful system with its dot-and-dash Morse code, but it was basically limited to receiving and sending one message at a time.

Alexander Graham Bell, Scottish-born American inventor, scientist, and teacher of the deaf whose foremost accomplishments were the invention of the telephone (1876) and refinement of the phonograph (1886).

Who invented telephone and why?

The nineteenth century was era of communication revolution when many electronic communication devices were invented. Alexander Graham Bell (March 3, 1847 – August 2, 1922) was a Scottish-born scientist, inventor, engineer, and innovator who is credited with inventing and patenting the first practical telephone. He also worked on use of light to transmit sound, development of a metal detector, and heavier-than-air flight.

Alexander Graham Bell patents the telephone.

Bell has most often been credited as the inventor of the first practical telephone. more.

He also founded the American Telephone and Telegraph Company (AT&T) in 1885. The telephone has had a big impact on the world. Alexander Graham Bell, Scottish-born American inventor, scientist, and teacher of the deaf whose foremost accomplishments were the invention of the telephone (1876) and refinement of the phonograph (1886).

Credit: Underwood Archives/Archive Photos/Getty Images Alexander Graham Bell's role as a teacher for deaf individuals and the presence of his deaf wife and mother inspired him to develop his electrical speech machine, or telephone. The telephone provided a big change to existing methods of conversation at the time of its invention because both parties involved in a conversation no longer needed to be in each other’s presence to communicate.
1134 Words null Page. My passion for Communication started from my high school when my teacher introduced me to the fact that telephone was first invented by Alexander Graham Bell. Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone so that people can communicate with other people anywhere in world.

Show More. Alexander Graham Bell was the first to patent the telephone, an "apparatus for transmitting vocal or other sounds telegraphically", after experimenting with many primitive sound transmitters and receivers. There is no clear evidence of the origin of the word 'telephone'.

The nineteenth century was era of communication revolution when many electronic communication devices were invented. It is being used everywhere, in business, offices, homes and factories. The invention of the telephone is credited to both Alexander Graham Bell and Antonio Meucci. The operator would pick up the phone and say, “Number please.” If the number wasn't busy, the operator took a chord and plugged it into a switchboard. The world ‘telephone’ has been derived from the Greek words ‘tele’ meaning far and ‘phone’ meaning sound. The telephone is a device by which we can talk to our friends and relatives living in other cities or countries even. He also founded the American Telephone and …

The modern telephone is the result of work of many people. Jeff Johnston. Italy hailed the redress of a historic injustice yesterday after the US Congress recognised an impoverished Florentine immigrant as the inventor of the telephone …