refers to the computer’s physical mass, whereas power refers to the computer’s speed and the complexity of calculations it can carry out. There are six main elements that make up a computer system. 5 Categories of Computer Types and Components. Your boss has asked you to design the ultimate gaming computer for your customers. Describe basic hardware devices and their specifications. It may have been a couple of years since you bought your computer — or maybe it’s a work-issued computer and you can’t just look at the purchase receipt to see what kind of specs it has. A computer system is the sum total of all the components (hardware and software) that makes up a fully functional computer. 5 Categories of Computer Types and Components; IT & Software . The motherboard is at the center of what makes a PC work.

Originally, mainframe computers 40 Chapter 3 Computer Hardware 88394_CH03_Savage.indd 40 11/26/12 10:13:22 AM Let us take a look at all of them. Describe device management of different fundamental operating systems. Therefore, software has characteristics that are considerably different from those of hardware. Imagine you work for a company called Innovative Games, a leader in 3D gaming titles. This gaming computer will be sold to your customers to provide them with the best possible experience with 3D […] Imagine you work for a company called Innovative Games, a leader in 3D gaming titles. Speed: - As you know computer can work very fast.It takes only few seconds for calculations that we take hours to complete. Apply the assessment’s assigned LabSims concepts and activities. Characteristics of software software is a logical rather than a physical system element. They have many of the same hardware components as computers, but are usually less advanced, which is why they’re able to cost much less than a top-notch gaming computer.

They all interact with each other and perform the task at hand. Describe basic computer hardware component standards. There are differences between computer hardware and software. Describe characteristics of computer hardware device components. Describe characteristics of computer hardware device components. Describe characteristics of computer hardware device components. You will be surprised to know that computer can perform millions (1,000,000) of instructions and even more per second. Elements of a Computer System. The motherboard acts as a brain; allocating power where it’s needed, communicating with and coordinating across all other components – making it one of the most important pieces of hardware in a computer. It houses the CPU and is a hub that all other hardware runs through. 1. 1] Hardware Basic characteristics about computer are:. Your boss has asked you to design the ultimate gaming computer for your customers.