Why not do something good when you are alive. Answer: The short answer is NO! 5 years ago. If I drink I die If I eat I am fine What am I. Then it's usually something along the lines of, "We're going to do everything we can to keep that from happening." Are you one of the 70% of Americans without a will?

Unless, you know, I actually think they might die.

Reach out to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.. Thank you for visiting our website. If you don’t respond to the U.S. Census, the first thing that will happen is a bunch of knocks on your door as representatives attempt to take the information from you in person. Do you need one? The way I see it, you want to die anyway so why not just do what you want to do, or at least take yourself away from the situation for a year. If we all were to react to every death, we would have no time to enjoy our own lives. Basically, if you say you'd have a hard time going on, blah blah blah, then you'll come off all needy and non-independent and she'll have you wrapped around her evil finger. Favorite Answer. I like your idea of exploring their feelings and assumptions about the issue. 0 3 1. What should you do? It's sort of a question that you can't answer without being screwed in some way. The best response to such a question is blatant refusal to answer one. Anonymous. the question is: will you cry? Because Adam was disobedient, God said to him: “Dust you are and to dust you will return.” ( Genesis 3:19 ) Before God created Adam “out of dust from the ground,” Adam did not exist. When you are interviewing for an internal position within your company, you may be asked what you will do if you don't get the job. God explained what happens when we die when he spoke to the first man, Adam. The first answer I thought of was, "go skydiving," which is a cheeky shorthand for trying to enjoy your own life as much as you can until you die. Suicide for example can be a form of that. what does that tell you? The interviewer wants to know whether you are concerned about just the advancement opportunity or the company. What’s going to happen when I’m in that situation?” he says. We all die, I could say I don't fear death but I fear the thought of dying and causing pain to my loved ones. Hmm, well we just met but I sure hope you don't die any time soon! Most people either dies suddenly in an accident or sickness ,too weak to do anything. Do we rot into the ground, or do we go to heaven (or hell, if we've been bad)? I do hate that people have to be sick and die. I think death is a natural thing, I don't see it as other people do. Be nice and filial to your parents, loved ones and do something good for the society.

Which means that even if there exists a .0001% chance you'll live for another 50 years, you have to actas though you're only going to live another six months. Lots of people have landed on our website looking for the answer of this riddle. “If I have cancer, will I die?” As an oncologist, it’s both interesting and poignant to know that this is one of the most common answers people seek from Google. Below you will be able to find all If I drink I die If I eat I am fine What am I.
... How do you think about the answers? In Light of the Horrifying Tragedies Striking Our Nation and Our World, the Question Seems to Me to be, If You Were to Die Today, Where Would You Go, Heaven or Hell?

However, if you say it wouldn't matter, then you just don't love her enough, or whatever. In a wider sense, if you lose the will to live this might affect your appetite, sleep, motivation which if unmonitored could result in death. Ideally, they want to promote a person who will continue to grow with the organization over time – and not jump ship for the next … anon. 11 Answers. will you worry?

If I die, Will you cry or worry? What happens when we die? My answer is usually: "Everybody's going to die eventually, but today's not your day."
Learn why most people should have one, regardless of finances. Do you care who gets your money if you die?