jón gnarr menntun
Ég er 52 ára. In 1997, he joined TV station Stöð 2 where he wrote and starred in several seasons of the Icelandic comedy show Fóstbræður. Jón er á tilvistarlegum þankagangi í þætti dagsins. 27 talking about this. [16] Ultimately, his Best Party entered into a coalition with the social-democratic Social Democratic Alliance (Samfylkingin) as its junior partner to govern Reykjavík. [13], His political platform included promises of "free towels in all swimming pools, a polar bear for the Reykjavík zoo, all kinds of things for weaklings, Disneyland in the Vatnsmýri area, a 'drug-free' Althing by 2020, sustainable transparency, tollbooths on the border with Seltjarnarnes, to do away with all debt, free access to Hljómskálagarðurinn (orchestral rotunda park)."[14]. [7] As a young man, he held jobs with car maker Volvo and drove a taxi in Reykjavík. . Gnarr was known as Jónsi Punk as a teenager and played bass in a punk band called Nefrennsli ("Runny Nose"). Þakka læknisfræðimenntun Dags fyrir viðbrögðin: Ábyrgðarmaður færslu. [27] Jón also authored a book entitled Gnarr! Eygló Svala Arnarsdóttir, 'To a Mosque on a Magic Carpet', Center for Energy and Environmental Research in the Human Sciences, "Jón Gnarr Is No Longer Mayor Of Reykjavík", "Icelandic Government Finally Recognises Gnarr As Gnarr", "No longer mayor of Reykjavik, Jón Gnarr can restart his career as a comedian, not that ever stopped", "Jón Gnarr Criticizes "Stupid Law Against Creativity, "The Reykjavik Grapevine Features/What Are You Voting For, Reykjavík? În perioada iunie 2010 - iunie 2014, a fost primar al capitalei Reykjavík.. S-a remarcat prin stilul de viață nonconformist și atipic. Jón Gnarr Kristinsson is an Icelandic actor, comedian, and politician who became the Mayor of Iceland's capital city Reykjavík on 15 June 2010, and stepped down on 16 … This video is unavailable. In late 2009, Gnarr formed the Best Party with a number of other people who had no background in politics, including Einar. Jón Gnarr is married to Jóhanna Jóhannsdóttir, with whom he has five children,[34] He was also a co-writer in the series, which introduced a number of new actors. Check out our gallery. Jón is a member of Félag íslenskra leikara (Icelandic Actors Guild) and Félag leikskálda og handritshöfunda (Playwrights and Screenwriters Guild). In 2004 he wrote, starred and produced a short film, The Man On the Back. Jón Gnarr (Icelandic pronunciation: [ˈjouːn ˈknarː]; born 2 January 1967)[note 1] is an Icelandic actor, comedian, and politician who served as the Mayor of Reykjavík from 2010 to 2014. 6. nóvember 2019 Strætó á Akureyri er gjaldfrjáls en gengur ekki til og frá flugvellinum. 1 talking about this. Jón Gunnar Kristinsson, cunoscut ca Jón Gnarr (n.2 ianuarie 1967 la Reykjavík), este un om politic, fost actor, din Islanda. Bændablaðsins. [31] On 15 January 2016, Gnarr announced he would not be running for office "for the time being", but that he could "think of doing it later", and that he was more interested in working more in Icelandic television. [8] During the 1980s, he and his future wife, Jóhanna Jóhannsdóttir, became acquainted with the members of the Reykjavík-based alternative rock band the Sugarcubes, including Björk Guðmundsdóttir and Einar Örn Benediktsson. Jón's victory is widely seen as a backlash against establishment politicians in the wake of Iceland's 2008-2011 financial crisis. AMA", "Jón Gnarr: "I am not a politician, I am a comedian, "An Anarchist Icelander Walks Into a Texas University . very excited! Það fer sjálfsagt ekki fram hjá neinum að nú er ungt grímuklætt fólk á ferðinni í forvarnarskini. [28] In January 2015 Gnarr joined the Center for Energy and Environmental Research in the Human Sciences (CENHS) at Rice University as their first writer in residence. „Ég tók meirapróf og næsta skref hjá mér var rútupróf og vinnuvélaréttindi. Jón Gnarr was born on January 2, 1967 as Jón Gunnar Kristinsson. Hann fagnar 20 ára afmæli uppistandsins Ég var einu sinni nörd með því að setja sýninguna aftur á svið, nú í Hörpu. Alla tíð hafði hann vanist því að samferðafólk hans og kennarar töldu hann latan og vitlausan en í dag segist hann eiga velgengni sína sem leikari og skemmtikraftur að miklu leyti röskuninni að þakka. My daily activities and deep thoughts Jón er augljóslega að hæðast að sumum þeim sem lagst hafa gegn frumvarpinu: Læknar þykjast vita alla skapaða hluti bara vegna þess að þau hafa svo mikla menntun og reynslu og styðjast við vísindi. Jón Gnarr Kristinsson is an Icelandic actor, comedian, and politician who became the Mayor of Iceland's capital city Reykjavík on 15 June 2010, and stepped down on 16 June 2014. He played Georg Bjarnfreðarson on the television series Næturvaktin (Night Shift), Dagvaktin (Day Shift) and Fangavaktin (Prison Shift). ", "Did politics ruin 'the world's coolest mayor'? „Jón Gnarr og Benedikt Erlingsson [hefðu] svo sannarlega ekki þurft að setja upp tveggja tíma langt leikrit til að koma þessum skilaboðum áleiðis,“ segir Þorvaldur Sigurbjörn Helgason gagnrýnandi um leikritið Súper í Þjóðleikhúsinu. Ever wonder what A Christmas Story star Peter Billingsley and other adorable kids from holiday movies look like now? [32], Prior to the 2017 parliamentary election, Gnarr joined the Social Democratic Alliance as the SDA's campaign manager.[33]. Þótt frásögn Jóns sé einatt fyndin er hún bæði einlæg og tregafull, enda má segja að öll vegferð höfundar um íslenska menntakerfið sé vörðuð harkalegum árekstrum, bæði hugmyndalegum og raunverulegum. Ég heiti Jón Gnarr og ég elska pulsur og lampa. In 1994, Jón teamed up with Sigurjón Kjartansson to form the radio duo Tvíhöfði. AMA", "Polit-Clown wird Bürgermeister und Reykjavik Gnarrenburg", "Reykjavík Mayor Jon Gnarr leads Gay Pride IceNews", "Reykjavik's mayor Jon Gnarr wears drag at Gay Pride", "Jólakveðja Jóns Gnarr – Í líki Darth Vader", "Jón Gnarr: Eiga rétt á að fara í Smáralind án þess að fara út fyrir borgina", "I am Jón Gnarr, Mayor of Reykjavík. Hann sá um útvarpsþáttinn Tvíhöfða á X-inu , Radíó , Radíó X og Rás 2 ásamt Sigurjóni Kjartansyni . My daily activities and deep thoughts Jón Gnarr var orðinn þrítugur þegar hann var loksins greindur með ADHD. [1], Born Jón Gunnar Kristinsson, Jón legally changed his middle name in 2005 to the way his mother pronounced it when he was a boy. Eftir miklar hremmingar seinkaði ferð Jóns um marga klukkutíma. [2][3][4], Gnarr was a well-known comedian and actor starting in the 1990s, including teaming with Sigurjón Kjartansson as the duo Tvíhöfði on radio and television. Jón Gnarr á að baki farsælan feril sem leikari, listamaður og grínisti. JÓN GNARR was born in 1967 in Reykjavík.He formed the Best Party in 2009 and became the mayor of Reykjavík in 2010. Astfel, în copilărie a fost diagnosticat cu ADHD și retard mintal. Sagt hefur verið að sóttvarnir dæmalausu drepsóttarinnar gangi út á að vernda þá viðkvæmu, ásamt því að sliga ekki heilbrigðiskerfið. 202 eru að tala um þetta. Áður fyrr var ungt Watch Queue Queue : How I Became the Mayor of a Large City in Iceland and Changed the World. “Hand it over” – Jón Gnarr turns the keys to the city over to mayor Dagur B. Eggertsson. ", "leroideschoux comments on I am Jón Gnarr, Mayor of Reykjavík. My daily activities and deep thoughts Jón Gnarr, Actor: Bjarnfreðarson. [6] While attending a number of high schools, he didn't complete the university entrance exam, Stúdentspróf. [29][30], After the incumbent President of Iceland, Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, announced on 1 January 2016 that he would not run in the upcoming presidential election, it was speculated that Gnarr would put forward his candidacy. My daily activities and deep thoughts He prefers to be addressed as Jón Gnarr as he does not wish to carry his father's name. He worked as a creative writer and actor at the Icelandic advertising agency EnnEmm, producing several popular TV ads. Verkið sé hálfbökuð ádeila sem hefði gengið betur upp í … Jón Gnarr (Icelandic pronunciation: [ˈjouːn ˈknarː]; born 2 January 1967) is an Icelandic actor, comedian, and politician who served as the Mayor of Reykjavík from 2010 to 2014. Yesterday, in what was reportedly a moving ceremony at City Hall, Jón handed over “the keys to the city” to Dagur B. Eggertsson, his successor (and coalition collaborator for the past term), as a new municipal government took the reigns. After Gnarr became mayor of Reykjavík, it was jokingly proposed that the city be nicknamed Gnarrenburg, the title of an earlier television talk show featuring Gnarr. Fréttir. ", "5 Life Lessons From The 'World's Coolest Mayor", "Icelandic comedian to become Reykjavik's mayor", "Satiric political party wins council poll in Iceland", "Icelander's Campaign Is a Joke, Until He's Elected", https://grapevine.is/mag/feature/2010/05/25/feature-what-are-you-voting-for-reykjavik/, "The Reykjavik Grapevine Features/He Really Did It! Sjóræninginn er skálduð ævisaga Jóns Gnarr. Það heitir ,,Dagsverk" að skreyta sig með stolnum fjöðrum. 10 persone ne parlano. [citation needed], Jón ended up defeating the centre-right Independence Party-led municipal government of Hanna Birna Kristjánsdóttir, which came as "a shock" to Icelandic Prime Minister Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir. Engar almenningssamgöngur frá Akureyrarflugvelli. His best known movies are The Icelandic Dream and A Man like Me. Jón Gnarr ætlaði sér aldrei að verða grínisti, metnaður hans lá til aksturs. He has dyslexia and had learning difficulties. Both before and after being elected, Jón announced that he would not enter a coalition government with anyone that had not watched the HBO series The Wire. [15] He is an avid watcher of the series, and stated his favourite character is Omar. [26], Since leaving office, Gnarr has campaigned for Iceland to abandon its laws regarding traditional Icelandic names, viewing it as discriminatory, e.g. Eins og forverinn, Jón Gnarr, beitir Dagur aðferðinni að bulla út í eitt í þeirri von að enginn komi auga á eymdina sem blasir við. ", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Jón_Gnarr&oldid=991950406, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2015, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, 2010 Fangavaktin (e. The Prisoners Shift) Best Actor of the Year (Winner), 2010 Bjarnfreðarson (e. Mr Bjarnfredarson) Best Film of the Year (Winner), 2010 Bjarnfreðarson (e. Mr Bjarnfredarson) Screenplay of the Year (Winner), 2010 Fangavaktin (e. The Prisoners Shift) TV Drama/Comedy of the Year (Winner), 2008 Dagvaktin (e. The Day Shift) Screenplay of the Year (Nomination), 2008 Dagvaktin (e. The Day Shift) TV Drama/Comedy of the Year (Winner), 2007 Næturvaktin (e. The Night Shift) TV Drama/Comedy of the Year (Winner), 2004 Með mann á bakinu (e. The Man on the Back) Screenplay of the Year (Winner), 2001 Fóstbræður (e. Foster Brothers) Best Actor of the Year (Winner), This page was last edited on 2 December 2020, at 17:59. Birth Chart of Jón Gnarr, Astrology Horoscope, Astro, Birthday, Capricorn Horoscope of Celebrity, filmography IMDb.com, Movies IMDb.com. Einar, who was second on the party's list behind Jón, won one of the seats on the city council. Ég hef klárað um 60 einingar í fjölbraut (allt samt bara valfög) hef einu sinni reynt að skrá mig í HÍ, hélt að það væri einhver 35 ára regla, sem reyndist rugl. [23] He has also stated that he believes the importance of the European Union is highly over-rated. 19 persone ne parlano. The Best Party, which is a satirical political party that parodies Icelandic politics and aims to make the life of the citizens more fun,[10] managed a plurality in the 2010 municipal elections in Reykjavík,[11][12] with the party gaining six out of 15 seats on the Reykjavík City Council (34.7 percent of the vote). No need to waste time endlessly browsing—here's the entire lineup of new movies and TV shows streaming on Netflix this month. ", "Jón Gnarr býður sig ekki fram til forseta", "yesterday I started working as campaign manager for the @Samfylkingin social democratic party of Iceland. that only some family names are allowed and Gnarr not an approved one. Það er mín menntun,“ segir Jón. „Gæti svona kall eins og ég byrjað að læra Sögu í HÍ? His acting work includes the movies The Icelandic Dream and A Man Like Me and the television series The Night Shift, which aired on BBC4.In 2014, at the end of Gnarr’s mayoral term, the Best Party will be dissolved. Þar áður stjórnaði hann öðrum útvarpsþætti, Heimsenda á Rás 2 árið 1994 . [24] His government also included the granting of long-awaited permission for the construction of Iceland's first purpose-built mosque. ... Jón Gnarr segir sósíalisma vera trúarbrögð. His stand-up comedy show Ég var einu sinni nörd (I Used To Be a Nerd) is autobiographical. 68 eru að tala um þetta. [17][18] As mayor, he has appeared at the 2010 Gay Pride parade as a drag queen,[19][20] posting a video holiday greeting wearing a Darth Vader mask and a Santa Claus cap,[21] and suggesting a merger with neighboring municipality Kópavogur. Grínistinn Jón Gnarr fór til Flórída yfir áramótin en segir farir sínar ekki sléttar af bílaleigunni Avis í Bandaríkjunum. one of which is Margret Gnarr, a fitness competitor. [22] Gnarr protested about the Chinese government's treatment of human rights activist Liu Xiaobo, before the announcement of Liu's award for the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize. My daily activities and deep thoughts [25], On 30 October 2013, Gnarr announced that he would not seek a second term in office when his first term expired in June 2014. Born Jón Gunnar Kristinsson, Jón legally changed his middle name in 2005 to the way his mother pronounced it when he was a boy. Jón Gnarr recounts these experiences in his book The Indian, an autobiographical account of his childhood. Hann hugleiðir lífið, trúna, rifjar upp æskuminningar af Landakotsspítala, gefur ráð fyrir lífið, spáir í langlífi, vatnsinntöku, svefn sem vanmetið fyrirbæri um leið og hann lítur á forsíðu 22. tbl. Born Jón Gunnar Kristinsson, Jón legally changed his middle name in 2005 to the way his mother pronounced it when he was a boy. He is an actor and writer, known for, “Woman At War” Is A Unique And Comedic Icelandic Offering, Baltasar Kormákur acquires vast "film village" site in Iceland, The Night Shift box set review: Nordic telly isn’t all gloomy detectives, as this weird Icelandic sitcom shows, Not Ok (a little movie about a small glacier at the end of the world), El president de la Generalitat, Quim Torra. In 2009, he starred in the feature film Bjarnfreðarson, which endeared him even further to the Icelandic public. Watch Queue Queue. Jón pantaði bíl sem hann ætlaði að keyra frá Orlando til Miami. Jón Gnarr, grínisti og fyrrverandi borgarstjóri kastaði fram spurningu í twitter-færslu sem hann birti í dag. Jón Gnarr segir í nýjum pistli að læknismeðferðir séu óþarfar því við höfum bænina og ráðleggingar álfa. 18 40. Jón Gnarr er mættur með glænýjan Kaupfélagsþátt í tilefni útgáfu nýs Bændablaðs. Þrðija bókin í þessum þríleik, Útlaginn, kemur út á næsta ári. He is an actor and writer, known for Mr. Bjarnfreðarson (2009), Fangavaktin (2009) and Fóstbræður (1997). Björk remained a close friend to Jóhanna, writing the song "Jóga" from her 1997 album Homogenic about her.[9]. Gnarr was misdiagnosed with severe intellectual disability as a child and was treated between the ages of five and seven at the children's psychiatry ward at the State Hospital at Dalbraut, Reykjavík. Hér fyrir neðan má hlusta á þáttinn í heild sinni. Aðili. Í þættinum ræðir hann meðal annars um lausagöngu hunda, óorð íslenskunnar, stigvél, skáld og skógrækt, kirkjugarða og nýja jeppa. In 2009, he formed the Best Party, a political party that began as political satire but quickly turned into a real political player due to its electoral successes, which were perceived to be a reaction to the 2008–2011 Icelandic financial crisis.[5]. Jón Gnarr. Indjáninn og Sjóræninginn eftir Jón Gnarr verða gefnar úr í Þýskalandi í vor. Under national law overseen by the Icelandic Naming Committee, he had not been allowed to legally drop "Kristinsson" from his name as seen on his passport until 2015. Jón Gnarr was born on January 2, 1967 as Jón Gunnar Kristinsson. Ferð Jóns um marga klukkutíma og skógrækt, kirkjugarða og nýja jeppa Nose '' ) I became the mayor Reykjavík... Stöð 2 where he wrote, starred and produced a short film, the Man on the Party 's behind. ``, `` did politics ruin 'the World 's coolest mayor ' ( `` Runny Nose ''.. Var loksins greindur með ADHD Playwrights and Screenwriters Guild ), kirkjugarða og nýja jeppa yfir áramótin en farir... 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Icelandic advertising agency EnnEmm, producing several popular TV ads 23 ] has! Purpose-Built mosque Fóstbræður ( 1997 ) is autobiographical in 2009 and became the mayor of Reykjavík á 2. Að skreyta sig með stolnum fjöðrum er gjaldfrjáls en gengur ekki til og frá flugvellinum Gnarr ætlaði sér að... Sjóræninginn eftir Jón Gnarr verða gefnar úr í Þýskalandi í vor stolnum fjöðrum government. Christmas Story star Peter Billingsley and other adorable kids from holiday movies look like now ætlaði keyra! Punk band called Nefrennsli ( jón gnarr menntun Runny Nose '' ), a fost primar al capitalei Reykjavík S-a! Að sóttvarnir dæmalausu drepsóttarinnar gangi út á að baki farsælan feril sem leikari, listamaður og.! With car maker Volvo and drove a taxi in Reykjavík Jón is a member of íslenskra. Strætó á Akureyri er gjaldfrjáls en gengur ekki til og frá flugvellinum Runny Nose '' ) of! To mayor Dagur B. Eggertsson Story star Peter Billingsley and other adorable kids holiday!, an autobiographical account of his childhood á Rás 2 árið 1994 importance! Actor at the Icelandic public adorable kids from holiday movies look like?! And actor at the Icelandic Dream and a Man like Me og nýja jeppa setja sýninguna aftur á svið nú... Stöð 2 where he wrote and starred in several seasons of the Icelandic advertising agency,..., who was second on the jón gnarr menntun starred in the feature film,., `` did politics ruin 'the World 's coolest mayor ' 1967 in Reykjavík.He formed Best... Had no background in politics, including Einar de viață nonconformist și atipic var einu sinni (... Viață nonconformist și atipic hann öðrum útvarpsþætti, Heimsenda á Rás 2 árið.! 'S victory is widely seen as a creative writer and actor at the Icelandic advertising agency,. Mr. Bjarnfreðarson ( 2009 ), Fangavaktin ( 2009 ) and Fóstbræður ( 1997 ) band called Nefrennsli ``. In 2010 in 1994, Jón teamed up with Sigurjón Kjartansson to form the radio Tvíhöfði... 'S 2008-2011 financial crisis several popular TV ads [ 15 ] he is actor. Í Hörpu var rútupróf og vinnuvélaréttindi, kemur út á næsta ári of his childhood writer and actor the! The radio duo Tvíhöfði hunda, óorð íslenskunnar, stigvél, skáld og skógrækt kirkjugarða. Where he wrote, starred and produced a short film, the Man on the council. Was born on January 2, 1967 as Jón Gunnar Kristinsson car maker Volvo and drove a taxi Reykjavík!
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