portfolio optimization python
If yes, how can I implement this using the code you provided. 5/31/2018 Written by DD. This method assigns equal weights to all components. The random weightings that we create in this example will be bound by the constraint that they must be between zero and one for each of the individual stocks, and also that all the weights must sum to one to represent an investment of 100% of our theoretical capital. We then call the required function and store the results in a variable so we can then extract and visualise them. I second Scott, it would be interesting to see a backtest of the various optimizations ð and may I aks you what matplotlib theme do you use? let’s say that one instrument starts only in 2010 while another starts in 2005. As noted by Alexey, it is much better to use CVaR than VaR. Beginnerâs Guide to Portfolio Optimization with Python from Scratch. We have covered quite a lot on portfolio and portfolio optimization with Python in the last two posts. Congratulations for your work.Very inspiring. Thank you S666 for another solid piece of financial code in Python! I am not able to post a picture here so it might be difficult to illustrate, but basically my graph looks more like a circle with the different portfolio points. I'm looking for advice as to what additional analyses or functions / features I should add. If just considering one single stock I guess the risk and return would just be the historic CAGR and the annualised standard deviation of the stock returns no? The objective is to automate the steps of my decision making on my annual audit of my Vanguard stock portfolio. hello, for the MC optimization is it possible to apply other constraints such as sector constraints for a portfolio that has 100+ plus names? The “minimum variance portfolio” is just what it sounds like, the portfolio with the lowest recorded variance (which also, by definition displays the lowest recorded standard deviation or “volatility”). These results will then be plotted and both the “optimal” portfolio with the highest recorded Sharpe ratio and the “minimum variance portfolio” will be highlighted and marked for identification. Beginnerâs Guide to Portfolio Optimization with Python from Scratch. Algorithmic Portfolio Optimization in Python. Given a weight w of the portfolio, you can calculate the variance of the stocks by using the covariance matrix. When we run the optimisation, we get the following results: When we compare this output with that from our Monte Carlo approach we can see that they are similar, but of course as explained above they will not be identical. 2- If I wanted to add a portfolio tracking error constraint to the minimum variance function, how can I incorporate that in the code? Would love to see a comparison of historical returns & metrics using the various optimization approaches to historically holding different portfolios of assets classes (say ETFs) over time, rebalanced monthly. Michael Michael. the negative Sharpe ratio, the variance and the Value at Risk). Feel free to have a look at it! (I understand the “panda-restrictions” about the “i.loc”.) PyPortfolioOpt is a library that implements portfolio optimisation methods, including classical mean-variance optimisation techniques and Black-Litterman allocation, as well as more recent developments in the field like shrinkage and Hierarchical Risk Parity, along with some novel experimental features like exponentially-weighted covariance matrices. The goal is to illustrate the power and possibility of such optimization solvers for tackling complex real-life problems. A portfolio is a vector w with the balances of each stock. This would be most useful when the returns across all interested assets are purely random and we have no views. Given that I have certain benchmark returns and weights for the same stocks in my portfolio. So firstly we define a function (very similar to our earlier function) that calculates and returns the negative Sharpe ratio of a portfolio. def calc_neg_sharpe(weights, mean_returns, cov, rf): portfolio_return = np.sum(mean_returns * weights) * 252 portfolio_std = np.sqrt(np.dot(weights.T, np.dot(cov, weights))) * np.sqrt(252) sharpe_ratio = (portfolio_return - rf) / portfolio_std return -sharpe_ratio constraints = ({'type': 'eq', 'fun': lambda x: np.sum(x) - 1}) def max_sharpe_ratio(mean_returns, cov, rf): num_assets = ⦠By looking into the DataFrame, we see that each row represents a different portfolio. âAn efficient portfolio is defined as a portfolio with minimal risk for a given return, or, equivalently, as the portfolio with the highest return for a given level of risk.â As algorithmic traders, our portfolio is made up of strategies or rules and each of these manages one or more instruments. In this post I am going to be looking at portfolio optimisation methods, touching on both the use of Monte Carlo, “brute force” style optimisation and then the use of Scipy’s “optimize” function for “minimizing (or maximizing) objective functions, possibly subject to constraints”, as it states in the official docs (https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/optimize.html). I just have a few issues when running the code. We then download price data for the stocks we wish to include in our portfolio. If you continue to use the website we assume that you are happy with it. That will set an upper bound of 8% on each holding. Congrats!! The higher of a return you want, the higher of a risk (variance) you will need to take on. save_weights_to_file() saves the weights to csv, json, or txt. wow i did not get any notification for you reply.. haha.. i just saw it. The second function deals with the overall creation of multiple randomly weighted portfolios, which are then passed to the function we just described above to calculate the required values we wish to record. Note: this page is part of the documentation for version 3 of Plotly.py, which is not the most recent version . Convex optimization can be done in Python with libraries like cvxpy and CVXOPT, but Quantopian just recently announced their Optimize API for notebooks and the Optimize API for algorithms. Portfolio optimization could be done in python using the cvxopt package which covers convex optimization. Iâm done creating the fictional portfolio. Browse other questions tagged python pandas optimization scipy portfolio or ask your own question. If you would like to post your code here I am happy to take a look. So the most simple way to achieve this is to create a lambda function that returns the sum of the portfolio weights, minus 1. The way this needs to be entered is sort of a bit “back to front”. 32% bitcoin and 68% gold . Thanks. Convex optimization can be done in Python with libraries like cvxpy and CVXOPT, but Quantopian just recently announced their Optimize API for notebooks and the Optimize API for algorithms. This part of the code is exactly the same that I used in my previous article. The values recorded are as previously mentioned, the annualised return, annualised standard deviation and annualised Sharpe ratio – we also store the weights of each stock in the portfolio that generated those values. We will then show how you can create a simple backtest that rebalances its portfolio in a Markowitz-optimal way. A portfolio is a vector w with the balances of each stock. The method I have chosen to use for the VaR calculation is to scale the portfolio standard deviation by the square root of the “days” value, then subtract the scaled standard deviation, multiplied by the relevant “Z value” according to the chosen value of “alpha” from the portfolio daily mean returns which have been scaled linearly according to the “days” value. The Sharpe ratio of a portfolio helps investors to understand the return of a portfolio based on the level of risk taken. Investorâs Portfolio Optimization using Python with Practical Examples. Sanket Karve in Towards Data Science. Thanks for the impressive work. It’s admittedly a bit strange looking for some people at first, but there you go…. For example, given w = [0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.1], will say that we have 20% in the first stock, 30% in the second, 40% in the third, and 10% in the final stock. We hope you enjoy it ⦠The Quadratic Model. Lets begin with loading the modules. It fails there with the following error code: “/home/ni/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/indexing.py”, line 1493, in _getitem_axis raise TypeError(“Cannot index by location index with a non-integer key”) Have you, or any of the people on this forum, had this issue? Indra A. So, the “min-VaR_port” calculation run without complains. It has been amended and added…thanks! The more random portfolios that we create and calculate the Sharpe ratio for, theoretically the closer we get to the weightings of the “real” optimal portfolio. Close’ values were missing (probably because I didn’t choose the correct ticker), which I then replaced using a simple Forward Fill. Some of key functionality that Riskfolio-Lib offers: In the calculation of the portfolio standard deviation, where do you factor the multiplication of the constant ‘2’ in the calculus? My guess is that it was due to the fact that too many ‘Adj. Portfolio optimization is the process of selecting the best portfolio (asset distribution), out of the set of all portfolios being considered, according to some objective. In this installment I demonstrate the code and concepts required to build a Markowitz Optimal Portfolio in Python, including the calculation of the capital market line. Finally, the above approach where returns are entered as zero (effectively removing them from the calculation) is sometimes favoured as it is a more “pessimistic” view of a portfolio’s VaR and when dealing with the quantification of risk, or in fact any “downside” forecast, it is wise to err on the side of caution and make decisions based on a worst case scenario. While convex optimization can be used for many purposes, I think we're best suited to use it in the algorithm for portfolio management. Finally, we convert our list into Numpy arrays: Now that we have created 2000 random portfolios, we can visualize them using a Scatter plot in Matplotlib: In the graph, each point represents a portfolio. Below we visualise the results of all the simulated portfolios, plotting each portfolio by it’s corresponding values of annualised return (y-axis) and annualised volatility (x-axis), and also identify the 2 portfolios we are interested in. After which, I would draw out an efficient frontier graph and pinpoint the Sharpe ratio for portfolio optimization. Portfolio Optimization in Python. Medium is an open platform where 170 million readers come to ⦠If so, ping me a message here and I will send you my contact details to forward the data file on to. They will allow us to find out which portfolio has the highest returns and Sharpe Ratio and minimum risk: Within seconds, our Python code returns the portfolio with the highest Sharpe Ratio as well as the portfolio with the minimum risk. The “fun” refers to the function defining the constraint, in our case the constraint that the sum of the stock weights must be 1. Thanks Birdy, well spotted! The constraints remain the same, so we just adapt the “max_sharpe_ratio” function above, rename it to “min_variance” and change the “args” variable to hold the correct arguments that we need to pass to our new “calc_portfolio_std” that we are minimising. Mean-Variance Optimization. Introduction In this post you will learn about the basic idea behind Markowitz portfolio optimization as well as how to do it in Python. If you have liked the article feel free to share it in your social media channels. Hello Stuart, I’m trying to follow this amazing investment tutorial/Python-code, and in my PC (Linux/Python 3.6.9), it runs well till it reaches the “localization of the portfolio with minimum VaR” (after the random portfolios simulation). Awesome work very well explained, thank you! We will always experience some discrepancies however as we can never run enough simulated portfolios to replicate the exact weights we are searching for…we can get close, but never exact. Letâs transform the data a little bit to make it easier to work with. Saying as we wish to maximise the Sharpe ration, this may seem like a bit of a problem at first glance, but it is easily solved by realising that the maximisation of the Sharpe ratio is analogous to the minimisation of the negative Sharpe ratio – that is literally just the Sharpe ratio value with a minus sign stuck at the front. Hi jojo, apologies for the late reply… To assign sector constraints etc should be possible of course, it would depend on you having the data of which stock related to which sector. In the mean time, if you have any questions about the package, or portfolio optimisation in general, please let me know. If we could choose between multiple portfolio options with similar characteristics, we should select the portfolio with the highest Sharpe Ratio. Portfolio Optimization in Python. The plot colours the data points according to the value of VaR for that portfolio. The “min_VaR” function acts much as the “max_sharpe_ratio” and “min_variance” functions did, just with some tweaks to alter the arguments as needed. Is it possible to cap the weights at 8% so that no stock is attributed more than that and further that the excess weight is then evenly distributed to other stocks. Hi Scott, thanks for your comment. ð. It is a pleasure to read for someone who isn’t as proficient in Python yet, because the explanations for the different lines of code are extremely helpful. Rf is the risk free rate and Op is the standard deviation (i.e. Either you have made a typo and used an integer key with “.loc” (notice the lack of i) which only accepts label based keys, or vice versa you are using a label with iloc. This includes quadratic programming as a special case for the risk-return optimization. Thank you very much for taking the time to help out. By altering the variables a bit, you should be able to reuse the code to find the best portfolio using your favourite stocks. It’s almost the same code as above although this time we need to define a function to calculate and return the volatility of a portfolio, and use it as the function we wish the minimise (“calc_portfolio_std”). It all sums up to 100%. I really like your professional, storytelling-like approach for optimisation and previous topic. In Part 1 of this series, weâre going to accomplish the following: Build a function to fetch asset data from Quandl. We need a new function that calculates and returns just the VaR of a portfolio, this is defined first. As always we begin by importing the required modules. Great work, thanks! This includes quadratic programming as a special case for the risk-return optimization. Efficient return, a.k.a. Hi Chris, perhaps you could specify a starting portfolio value and then create a constraint such that the percentage held in any asset must equate to a certain absolute value in terms of dollars… So if you had a portfolio starting value of 100,000 and the minimum you wanted was 3,000 as mentioned, you could just set the constraint at 3%. The risk free rate is required for the calculation of the Sharpe ratio and should be provided as an annualised rate. How can I plot AAPL, MSFT, GOOGL portfolios with 1 individually to see their individual risk and return? Programming: Create The Fictional Portfolio. Portfolio optimization is the process to identify the best possible portfolio from a set of portfolios. vanguard funds require minimum of $3000). Then we define a variable I have labelled “constraints”. @2019 - All Rights Reserved PythonForFinance.net, Investment Portfolio Optimisation with Python – Revisited, https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/optimize.html), investment portfolio optimisation with python, Time Series Decomposition & Prediction in Python. I can’t find how to tel to the program that weights can take value between -1;1 Can You help me ? Based on what we learned, we should be able to get the Rp and Op of any portfolio. Featured on Meta When is a closeable question also a âvery low qualityâ question? We will calculate portfolio ⦠Going foward, did you even tried implementing the Black-Litterman model using Python? Any guess what the problem could be? The weights are a solution to the optimization problem for different levels of expected returns, Riskfolio-Lib is a library for making quantitative strategic asset allocation or portfolio optimization in Python. Regards, Gus. Anyway, I started from scratch, and got (not null) values for VaR (results_frame). I know currently there is no dollars involved in terms of portfolio amount, but this is the piece I am looking to add on. Optimizing Portfolios with Modern Portfolio Theory Using Python MPT and some basic Python implementations for tracking risk, performance, and optimizing your portfolio. Admittedly a bit “ back to front ”. the better a optimization. Some changes in ‘ data reader is currently still working so you should be able to get stock!, GOOGL portfolios with the addition of “ days ” and “ args ” so lets run through them matching! Need a new function that calculates and returns just the VaR of a you. 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