good answer for why you want to be a firefighter
Let's break this down. 100+ collections of TED Talks, for curious minds. While serving as a firefighter, you get to do this. There are no two days the same. We in the Armed Forces want you to live and work for the country. I have the right skill sets and mental attitude required for the job. The reasons why I want to become a firefighter are: I really like to help people- I work now as an EMT and I really enjoy somebody holding my hand and looking me in the eye and saying thank you. Why should I use this program? If some experience with firefighters or some article or story inspired you, relate it briefly. How you treat the lowest criminal can play a huge role in whether she makes better life choices in the future. The family mindset is a huge part of why I love the fire … Of course that to be a firefighter you also have to be a team player and know how accept authority. From a candidate: I have thought long and hard about the answer to “why do you want to be a firefighter”. You have a whole network of people that care and want to see you thrive. This is a question I can almost guarantee you will get in some form. 4. Firefighting can be an emotionally and physically demanding career, but an extremely rewarding one for the right candidate. A fire captain promotional examination typically consists of a written test and the oral interview. You must practice this opening statement again and again until it flows naturally. Answer: This would be the first question asked in any interview. Your opening statement should absolutely be your most solid answer of the interview. Do not memorize a speech, but make sure you can speak smoothly. This is great for people that don't like to work conventional routines. Show you’re still glad to be doing it! FireRescue1 is revolutionizing the way the fire service community In order to be a firefighter you must be in shape, prepared, experienced, and ready to deal with your job emotionally as well as physically. You have lots of independence . I want to make a difference in people’s lives. Answer: The fire department is one of the most important institutions in a society. In my personal experience all big organizations do ask this question to almost every interviewee in a job interview. A firefighter must stay fit – firefighters exercise daily. Don’t just say that you like the … Unfortunately many candidates fail to hit the grand slam when they answer this question. Question: What do you think is the role of the fire department? After all, you’ve applied for a job there. Why do you want to be a firefighter? Firefighters have a unique way of speaking, from their alphabet (“Foxtrot, India, Romeo, Echo” — yep, that spells “fire”) to their numerous acronyms (groups of letters that stand in for words or phrases) and abbreviations (shortened versions of long words or phrases). Can you give an example of a situation wherein you worked outside of your job profile to solve a problem. Wear a smart formal outfit, get your hair cut, clean your shoes and have a shave! For many who seek the brass ring and are worthy of the coveted position of firefighter these attributes are absolutely necessary. Why do you want to pursue your career in firefighting? How to answer: Why do you want to be a firefighter? Many of us has nursed the same dream in our childhood. Select the option or tab named “Internet Options (Internet Explorer)”, “Options (Firefox)”, “Preferences (Safari)” or “Settings (Chrome)”. Why do you want to work in this industry? However, once we reach our adulthood, we understand that it is not easy to become a firefighter. We couldn't function as a society without firefighters. Consider these questions, and consult with others to create appropriate responses. They are usually the first to respond to an emergency. All rights reserved. Don’t just explain how you originally found this career. Be certain you will get a general "tell us about you" question, a few probing questions, a situational question and possibly a concluding question. It saves many lives and property. Do you have an example of a situation wherein you followed strict rules to complete a task, perhaps against your initial judgment? Answer: saving human life is the primary goal. A firefighter must stay fit – firefighters exercise daily. Questions/Self. While a firefighter may stay calm under the pressure of fighting a four-alarm fire, taking the oral interview to become fire captain can make anyone sweat. Would you still want to be a firefighter? Give an example of a mistake you made. You not only have to organize, coordinate and delegate, but also motivate – you are even the number one contact person when problems arise. This can be anything from preventing minor injuries, to preventing death. Your reasoning for why you want to work at a company should include why you’re a “good fit” for them. I also enjoyed learning to work in teams and think this has been a good learning experience. In preparation for your next interview consider this — you should already know most of the questions you'll be asked. There are enough “8 to 8, out the gate” folks as it is in today’s fire service. What education or training have you had that makes you fit for this profession? Just keep in mind that you are able to convince yourself with your answer first. We go into fires as a team. Lifting weights, running, walking and playing sports are a great way to keep fit as a team, while getting to know other firefighters in your department. I think it's really cool." A strong opening statement is a strategic description of your background that focuses on the key events in your education, work experience, fire related experience, community service and life experience. The interviewer asks you ‘Why do you want this job?’ because s/he is interested to find out about what motivates you the most. If you enjoy physical activities and staying fit, this is another reason to be a firefighter. In this career quiz, there are 10 questions that will give you a pretty good perspective on whether the career of a Municipal Firefighter is right for you. The reason HR ask this question is simple, they want to judge the reason candidate is seeking employment in that organization. Successful candidates often don't have the biggest resume, but they are able to articulate who they are and why they will work harder then anyone else. So out of curiosity, what did you guys say when the hiring board asked? I've been a firefighter for the past five years - my boss has said time and time again that without me, the department wouldn't function so well. The opening questions could include "Why do you want to be a firefighter? Look for a box or option labeled “Home Page (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari)” or “On Startup (Chrome)”. With the fire department in place, fires can be prevented, minimized, and lives can be saved. Common Reasons Why People Want To Become Firefighters Help and Serve Their Communities. Other candidates are going to be providing this type of answer, and you don’t want to be that one person who didn’t really answer the question. It's the most comprehensive and trusted online destination for fire service professionals worldwide. 2. This means a lot to me. or "Why do you think you would be a good firefighter?" Here's the golden rule. Keep Your Nose Clean! All rights reserved. share. The 3 interview mistakes you will make every time. After reading this article, you may be interested in reading the related articles: Question: What education or training have you had that makes you fit for this profession? Question: “Why do you want to become a teacher?” This straight forward question is a good example. Firefighters essaysImagine waking up not knowing what each day is going to bring, where the unexpected is expected. Any personal story for why you care about a topic or are fascinated by a topic will make a good answer for why you chose this job you’re interviewing for. Your interview is your one and only opportunity to tell about your "footprint" in life — who you are, why you would be the one we want to bring on our team for the next 30 years. This is a good rule of thumb to follow when answering most interview questions, not just ‘why do you want this job.’ Follow me on Twitter or LinkedIn . Ability to work with a team, follow orders without fail, bravery, quick thinking and acting, calmness in emergency are all essential qualities. You made a difference in my life. and suppliers. You become a very important part of the community. Fire fighting is an extremely important job. Employers want to know that you prioritize these qualities. Admit the Good Stuff Straight Away. Before you can tackle a fire the right way, it helps to know how people often tackle it the wrong way. For example, speak about your desire to help others and keep the community safe. “Consider the role that you are applying for and which areas genuinely provide you with job satisfaction. Question: Why do you want to become a firefighter? Question: What do you think are the main job responsibilities of a firefighter? There are 3 answers to each question: Dislike, Okay and Like. Your eyes are wide open and you know what to expect. Eventually this question comes up in every interview.Over the course of the last 30 years, I have been and I continue to ask this question all the time. or "Why do you think you would be a good firefighter?". Browse the library of TED talks and speakers. I have read references from your employees online. Bad answer: "I like firefighting. Whatever you choose, try to end your answer by showing you’re still interested in this career and the work that you do. Therefore, the job of a firefighter is given to a person who displays ability, bravery and responsibility towards their job and human life. After visiting some actual fire departments, I realized as a firefighter you certainly have a lot to be proud of. Edit: Thank you everyone for the thoughts and condolences. There is nothing more rewarding than helping other people. You'll never know what's the next call. People have a lot of respect for the role and I think that’s because everyone works hard to keep up the good reputation. If you have ever been through The Firefighter Hiring Process (and make it to the end) then you know how complex and cumbersome the process is. Besides, they also want to test how serious you are about taking up the job. Hiring personnel these days are looking for candidates who aren’t just qualified and look good “on paper”—they want to hire folks who will fit in well with their existing teams and into their culture. Therefore, it is important that you give a proper reply to the question regarding your education. What is the training schedule? what was your answer to "why do you want to become a firefighter?" If you would like to be a well-rounded firefighter who is not only strong, but who also has good endurance, stamina and power, this program is for you. How not to tackle a chip-pan fire. To help local community and actively participate in the social sector is something that attracted me to your offer. Answer: Do not be overly dramatic or emotional in your response, although a bit of excitement it in line. Although firefighters do work long, hard and demanding shifts, the good thing about being a firefighter is that you can decide when you want to work. It is possible that you may not have as much skills, experience or … If it’s important to the department then it’s important to the new fire lieutenants and, therefore, may be included in the fire lieutenant interview questions. If you’ve done your research and you have a good grasp of the employer’s mission, then you’ll find it easier to match your motivations with the role. Of course, for many it is the dream of their childhood; this should be mentioned in passing. Lexipol. Interviewee: “Sir, it is my desire to serve the people, especially in times of dire need. If you yourself are struggling, talk to someone. Watch. Here are some examples of common questions asking why you are there, and how to answer them properly. The opening questions could include "Why do you want to be a firefighter? The following are common generalized questions you may hear: Why do you want to work in this industry? Answer “Dislike” if you tell yourself “Ugh… Sounds boring” or “I’m not sure” Tell me about yourself. You need to dress smart for the firefighter interview. That way, during the recruitment process you can outline how you have been successful at your current position and discuss how these skills directly relate to duties of a firefighter. I chose to be a firefighter because I want to be able to help others and make them feel safe to live in their communities. This should help you understand and craft the best answer,” says Larsen. Copyright © 2020 Your answers to these "tell us about yourself" questions make up your opening statement and it sets the tone for the interview. That’s the real question – some would, some wouldn’t. A hero is a synonym for the term firefighter, because that is what they are, … Another oft given answer is that, “I want to serve the country”. Before you are ready to answer the “Why do you want to be a leader” interview question, really think about it. Common answers include: 1. ‘Stop training firefighters like they’re becoming Marines’, Video: Argument between DC, county FFs at scene under investigation, Former NY FF wins deal on 'Shark Tank' for hose-inspired fitness tool, New floating fire station arrives in San Francisco, Individual Access - Free COVID-19 Courses, Open the tools menu in your browser. Not only is there the excitement, but there're also benefits of being a firefighter. From mixed views of the profession from the public, all should respect what danger a firefighter faces day in and day out. General firefighter interview questions. Remember though, it’s best to back them up with actual examples of say, how you are a good team player. They're usually a captive audience and, if treated kindly and respectfully, they might listen to what you have to say. Sample answers to “why do you want to work for us” I like the philosophy of your company. This is why you need to be utterly familiar with the job description as well as the company culture. What’s a good answer for “why do you want to be a firefighter?” Professors always told me “because I want to help people” isn’t a good answer so I’ve always thought any variant of that wouldn’t work either. If you’re like me it can be 10+ tests, and I know a lot more of my friends and co-workers who have taken almost double that. In order to develop your opening statement you must spend some time developing the items you want to include. Never, ever throw water onto a hot oil (chip-pan) fire. (This is one of the basic entry-level firefighter … Some candidates will focus on their fire related experience, others their work experience. finds relevant news, identifies important training information, Essay Why I want To Be A Firefighter 1008 Words 5 Pages Firefighting is a career that can make you feel proud and accomplished, and it is a career in which I have a lot of respect for. Why I Want To Be A Firefighter example essay topic. If you need further help setting your homepage, check your browser’s Help menu, Get real time threat detection and identification with MX908, Develop an effective process for responding to and resolving employee complaints. I've also taken the time to educate myself on some of the non-standard techniques used in first response. This may be called “Tools” or use an icon like the cog. Answer: Fire prevention, education programs in schools and for groups, and of course rescue of people, pets, and household goods are the main thrust of the firefighter’s tasks. When responding to the interview question, why do you want to be a firefighter, make sure you reference the PQAs and how you are able to match them. For example, one of the firefighter PQAs is Being open to change within the Fire Service. Fire fighters protect life and property from fires and a variety of other emergencies. The best reason to being a firefighter is to save lives. Question: What is the most important aspect of being a fire fighter? You'll be wise not to wait to be asked in an interview the looming question: "Why do you want to work here?" General questions are typically presented at the beginning of an interview to help the hiring manager get acquainted with you. Learn how to answer the interview question why do you want to be a firefighter? The other big mistake you should avoid is not having done your research about the job. I am a quick thinker and have a propensity to stay calm in stressful conditions. If working in a nine-to-five job isn't for you and doesn't inspire you, then you have the option of choosing a career which offers you a different work shift pattern. 6:: Why should I hire you as Firefighter? Give an example of a situation when you helped someone. Once you have your targets in place, how you reach them is entirely up to you. Giving candidates good news never gets old, and it's these happy candidates that come straight back to you when they're ready to make their next job move - win, win! You do not need to be a master mechanic to be a firefighter, but every firefighter must have some basic mechanical aptitude. 71% Upvoted. Most fire stations have workout equipment, and firefighters are encouraged to exercise on a daily basis. ... our in-depth answers. This question is a good way of testing to see if you match those traits. Today we're writing about the possible answer for popular interview question "Why do you want to join our organization". You tell people "I want to be a firefighter" because you've always wanted to be one since you were a kid. I’d be proud to work for a company that follows such values. Are you really ready for a leadership position? Don’t just respond with a generic answer like, “I’m smart, qualified and I want this job.” Of course, you do, or you wouldn’t be sitting in this interview. Did you ever save a life? If you are going to be working another job while volunteering, it is a good idea to get a job that has similar duties to that of a firefighter. Responding to emergency situations requires passion and a dedication. Question: Do you have any allergies or medical conditions that would hamper your job as a firefighter? Copyright © 2020 1,050 words Firefighting is a career that can make you feel proud and accomplished, and it is a career in which I have a lot of respect for. Ability to work with a team, follow orders without fail, bravery, quick thinking and acting, calmness in emergency are all essential qualities. Answer: even people who answer this question positively can still be part of the firefighting force, as there are education programs, and desk job. Firefighter Interview Questions and Answers, Job Interview Questions for 10 Different Professions, ⇛ Librarian: Interview Questions for Librarians with Answers, Where do you see yourself in 5 years time, Personal Trainer Interview Questions and Answers. Firefighters not only respond immediately to fires, accidents and medical emergencies, but at the scene, they will perform specific tasks to control these dangerous situations. Most interviews average about 30 minutes and total five to seven questions. How do you cope with stressful situations in general? I'm having a tough time putting it into words. Related: Search for firefighter jobs. Discuss your limitations with the interviewer. What did you learn from that mistake? My biggest desire to be a firefighter is because I love the way the department functions first as a family, then as a job. Why do you want to work in this industry? Why is that so? I think it's really cool. " A very good way to tackle chip pan fires is to use a fire blanket. ", "What have you done to prepare yourself to be a firefighter?" An accountant might do a really good job, or a salesman might get a big order, but no other job can give you the feeling you can get as a firefighter. Keep in mind, when you answer this question that you need to prove to the recruiter that you are pursuing this fantastic career for all the right reasons. Therefore, … With just the sound of a siren you know you're about to put your life on the line for someone else. Accolades to you for selecting a community oriented profession – Good Luck! Fire Captain Interview Tips. You should have all the documents and certificates pertaining to your education and/or training, although time may not allow the interviewer to review all of them. Why I Want to be a Fire Fighter Being a Firefighter today is a demanding and dangerous job. 1. Volunteer firefighter Mark Bezos tells a story of an act of heroism that didn't go quite as expected -- but that taught him a big lesson: Don't wait to be a hero. Being a firefighter is more than just putting out fires. It may not be as straight forward as this, but this will be information the panel will want to know. What inspired you to become a firefighter? 2. You may already have a fairly solid idea of why you want to work for the company. We should go through life the same way. Please don’t give those pseudo patriotic answers like, “I want to die for the country”. You can’t possibly share relevant experience if you don’t know about their wants/needs. According to the experts at Yale University's Office of Career Strategy, the best answers to "Tell me about yourself" all follow a simple formula. The time and money you spend just taking one test add up, sadly most people don’t just take 1 test in their career. If you're applying to be a firefighter, review this list of interview questions for firefighters, with tips and advice on how to answer the questions. "So why do you want to work here?" TED Series. Rehearse with friends or even in front of the mirror! A firefighter not only has an important role but also a social responsibility. What would have happened had the group not worked as a team? Because of the wages, benefits, working conditions (10 days a month, 20 days off). 12 comments. All rights reserved. Give your honest reasons. My instructors have been grilling us about how important it is to have an extremely good answer to that. Ask yourself the following questions: TED Recommends. Here are four additional questions you'll be sure to get in a firefighter interview – how you answer will influence a panel's hiring decision. They serve a very important role in society. If you’re explaining why you want to work for a particular company, you must research the employer in question. Remember, you are applying to join a disciplined and uniformed service, therefore, you need to demonstrate that you are smart, organised and professional. Answer: saving human life is the primary goal. How did this experience impact your desire to be a firefighter? Because of the job security (not so much in today’s economy). I want to be a firefighter! I want to help people. One of the most satisfying aspects of working as a law enforcement officer is the unique opportunity you'll have to show these people a better way. In this article, we provide several fire service interview questions with example answers for you to review. Your opening statement is the ice breaker, make it powerful. Anybody that wants to train like a firefighter . Interviewers love this question! IN your previous employment, have you ever initiated improvement in work methods or suggested higher standards? Workouts are scheduled every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. This would be the … TED Talks. These are good 'why do you want to work here' sample answers. (men). Question: I have thought long and hard about the answer to "why do you want to be a firefighter". Well, a candidate is most often prepared to answer tough questions but when he/she is asked a basic question, rather a ‘Statement of Purpose’ question; his/her ignorance regarding the job is revealed. 3. ", "What have you done to prepare yourself to be a firefighter?" Do you have any volunteering experience? I read about your company and I think your idea of creating apps for zoo animals is great – I too always thought the animals there looked bored. I’m having a tough time putting it into words. Explain why you’re a good fit. Helping the others while fighting the elements of nature has always attracted men of all ages, when thinking about their professional career. Get TED Talks picked just for you. But you better prepare for this question. No one wants to die. A good firefighter possesses many valuable traits, including dedication, cooperation, flexibility, physical fitness, integrity and problem-solving skills. In short, a firefighter fights fires of all kinds, saves lives and property and educates the public regarding fire safety daily. interacts online and researches product purchases Lexipol. Especially when it comes to saving their lives. First response however, once we reach our adulthood, we provide several service., `` what have you done to prepare yourself to be proud of possibly relevant... It in line this question to almost every interviewee in a job interview opening questions could include `` why you! Fire departments, I realized as a society without firefighters against your judgment! Be overly dramatic or emotional in your previous employment, have you done to prepare yourself to be a must., but this will be information the panel will want to work conventional routines respond to emergency... 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