But at the same time, they will fight to the death to win any argument or fight (especially if it’s for the well-being of the group). Pierre Boulle, author of the 1963 book on which the film series was based, said his now-classic story fell under the genre of “social fantasy”. If all animals on earth, from insects upwards, went to war with humans, who would win? If you’re interested, see: Lion vs. tiger – the fight. The United States can still fight and win two major wars at the same time, or at least come near enough to winning that neither Russia nor China would see much hope in the gamble. Would be a Pyrrhic victory, it is different story. 36 Comments I recently did moose vs bull, and the bull won by a huge margin. “Bacteria are already everywhere, including inside us,” Call says. “Maybe now we’re a little better than we were in the past, but look around the world and tell me if you think that is really the case.”. In long run, humans have technology which allow them to completely eradicate all insects. I know it would take a long time but who would win? human:)......maybe harvester ants or elephant. As Cuthill points out, our technology has largely enabled us to come as far as we have as a species, and primates share much of the same physiology that allows us to use that technology. Likewise, animals that cannot survive outside of their particular niche – the swamp, the rainforest canopy, the desert – would not be able to conquer the world, tethered as they are to their environments. As for water, it would most likely be the Great White Shark. ANSWER: While we would much prefer that people focus their thoughts on saving these magnificent animals than on who would win if a lion and tiger fight, the power of these two largest cats seems to raise this question in people's minds. Thanks :), The animals have to be alive today, so not a Tyrannosaurus :). In the short term, they would likely pose the biggest threat to our dominion. Read about our approach to external linking. If all the superheroes were to fight over one tropical island, who would win? The Animals That Helped Win World War I ... And not all of the animals whose images made it into the archives were domesticated. Now we put two different animals on the arena. “If you look at human history, I am very pessimistic about just wanting to be friends,” he says. P.S: I am very much against blood sports like people making animals fight each other but i am just interested to know. Christine Keller April 22, 2020. Above all, on very steep ground, 10 Homo-Sapiens with spears would genocide any herd of anything. Strong predators though they are, the sharks' only dominion is the ocean (Credit: iStock). In other words, all evidence points to bacteria and other microbes inheriting the Earth – even more so than they already do today. Once the animals take over our farms, they’ll adopt a philosophy called Animalism, the most important part being “All animals are equal”. What if that fantasy was expanded, however, to include not only apes with human-like intelligence, but all species on Earth? 7 Signs You Should Fight To Save Your Broken Relationship. Given that, who would win? As Cuthill says, whichever species were left would “probably screw up the planet just like we’re doing”. (Credit: iStock), Even if humanity is killed off, however, conflicts would likely continue to rage on. Posted by 4 years ago. They has to win in first attack, because if humans will reorganize and strike back, insects will lose. No, bacteria do not have nervous systems, so the idea of them becoming intelligent is even more far-fetched than that of other multi-cellular species suddenly developing smarts to rival our own. And there are no diseases. Self care and ideas to help you live a healthier, happier life. Insects are included but there would only be one of each specie and a human would be there but he would not be Chuck Norris and he would have no weapons. MAMMAL WINS. in the ocean the orca or sperm whale would win....great whites will flee an area when orcas are present, bc orcas will kill and eat them. Many species, of course, would not stand a chance. Protein-eaters would thus have an edge. Which one will come out as victorious? This story is part of a series called ‘What If…’, which explores thought experiments and hypothetical scenarios. Likewise, intra-species conflict would also break out. Join 600,000+ Future fans by liking us on Facebook, or follow us onTwitter,Google+,LinkedInandInstagram. Essentially, World War Three would likely break out. We all know it would be Spiderman, but who would place 2nd? take your pick.....land animals...elephant...once fully mature there isn't another land creature that can mess with them.elephants have been known to try and rape rhinos....when the rhino fought back the elephant killed them....happened several times. Though we evolved in warm grasslands, we soon found ways to inhabit environments that varied drastically compared to our primordial origins, from mountain tops to the tundra. Being a wild animal, the gorilla will throw 100 percent of his available resources into the fight from the word go. But if they were to fight, the blue would win just because of its size; blue whales are the largest animals of all time. The Sperm whale is the largest toothed whale so i would say after a while the Sperm Whale could come out victorious, but only if it could defeat the six larger whales. Certain insects could probably infect it or something but eventually if the Elephant was made to it could kill the Insect before it died. “My guess is we’re likely to become prey to much more primitive forms of life, to bacteria and viruses.”, “Humans would be in deep trouble if they had to fight intelligent bacteria, especially the really bad ones,” Call says. But, an even wider range of creatures have been used to fight … Let the fight began! “I don’t see any reason to think that other species would be any more altruistic than we are,” he says. 72. sassyk73 posted 9 years ago. If you like this video - put Thumb Up button (please) and Subscribe to my channel! vote right NOW!!!!! But that impossibility is likely a blessing, given their ubiquity. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. If it were species vs. species the clear winner would be insects namely … Herbivores, for example, need to spend most of their time eating grass in order to acquire enough energy to function. you would think the villains would win as it takes all of the fantastic 4 to beat 1 dr doom and the avengers often strugle against 1 villain as do the x-men. Before we start talking about the fight, we first need to think about why these two snakes got into the dust-up. Many species, of course, would not stand a chance. The outcome of the fight between lion and tiger would depend heavily on the individuals–their age, breed, mood, fighting style, and physiology. According to the birdwatchers' bible, the Handbook of Australian, New Zealand and … Given our long track record of exterminating other species as well as our own kind, there’s no reason to think that either we or the now self-aware animals would behave any differently. Also what would be the outcome if someone did the same with marine animals in a water pit. However, there are 285 million humans with visual impairments, 632 million humans aged 4 and under, and 16 million aged 90 or over (a total of 933 million), so in this fight the humans effectively number 6.3 billion. “If not, even though they’d be a strong contender, they would not become the dominant species.”. “Remember that animals don’t solve problems for the good of their species,” Kacelnik says. There’s no reason to believe any animal with Homo sapiens-level intelligence would behave any differently than we ourselves have in terms of exploitation of other species and resources. do female gorillas look silverback males in the eye. Insects can win this war, but it has to be blitzkrieg. Should we be stripped naked and thrown into the savannah or forest, they would most definitely beat us. Who would win in a fight between all the animals on earth? When Deadly Creatures Fight - Who Would Win? If all the animals in the world were put into an arena to fight to the death, what animal would win? Sea: Killer Whale (orca - These guys are the buggers that kill even great whites if their bored enough) or the stone fish. They could also quickly set about creating unique technologies by coopting human tools for their own use. Take, for example, … What do you think of the answers? I would diffidently go with The African Bush Elephant Because it is the largest animal on land, It could easily beat a humans, lions and Bears. Still, history shows that there is often a risk of war when a rising power challenges the ascendancy of an existing one. who would win??? “We should definitely not assume that intelligence is a good thing.”, Primates, with their superior strength and opposable thumbs, would be a tough competitor (Credit: iStock), “We’d all kill each other,” continues Robin Dunbar, an evolutionary psychologist at the University of Oxford. A handpicked selection of stories from BBC Future, Earth, Culture, Capital, Travel and Autos, delivered to your inbox every Friday. Indeed, this is one of the skills at the heart of humanity’s ability to conquer the Earth. If all animals on earth, from insects upwards, went to war with humans, who would win? Lion vs tiger – the fight Bengal tiger. save hide report. (Lions, wolves, etc.) Here strength, speed or reflexes are important than size. Posted by 5 years ago. Sharks, dolphins and killer whales would be out, since they are confined to the ocean – although oceanic creatures may engage in their own underwater struggles for power. “If they were given all this knowledge then we’d have a tie between humans and primates,” Call says. “The problem is we could not get rid of them all, because they are essential for our own survival.”, Which animal would inherit the Earth? But who would win in actual fight? In fights for territorial supremacy, again by males, the right is more important. Get answers by asking now. “They would be a very, very strong contender.”, “It wouldn’t surprise me if something small wins,” agrees Dunbar. There are approximately 100 billion birds in the world, versus approximately 7.3 billion humans. As species fell, ecosystems would collapse, leaving only the heartiest survivors – the bacteria, cockroaches and perhaps rats – to inherit the Earth. First, the animals will stage a revolt and drive us off our farms. All told, the situation would probably end badly for almost everyone. But with the most formidable carnivores out of the picture, a new competitor would emerge: our closest primate relatives. If you liked this story, sign up for the weekly bbc.com features newsletter, called “If You Only Read 6 Things This Week”. “Humans are not noted for their curiosity and peace in the context of meeting new people.”Â, Josep Call, a comparative psychologist at the University of St. Andrews, agrees. Over many thousands of years some truly fearsome creatures have evolved. Relationship. Take this survey! I'll only stick to using males. The Bengal tiger is slightly smaller than the largest of tigers – the Siberian tiger. If it's only one animal of each species, you can rule out the vast majority of pack animals, since they rely on each other for hunting. Close. Would one creature come to rule all others, much as we humans have done, or would our varied kind arrive at some sort of peaceful, enlightened coexistence? Still have questions? Unfortunately, the hypothetical answer isn’t pretty: “Chaos would be the simple word for what would happen,” says Innes Cuthill, a behavioural ecologist at the University of Bristol. In Planet of the Apes, a man finds himself in a world governed by hyper-intelligent primates that lord over enslaved human underlings. Numbers would also count, as would the ability to evade detection. any virulent pathogen. With enough time, though, the ability to quickly adapt to changing environments and circumstances would likely be the strongest weapon in the quest for world domination. A fight between these two is likely to be intense, and could get a little mean. And in the late 1800′s, the Gaekwad of Baroda, an Indian ruler, arranged a fight between the two beasts. Human strength is puny compared with many creatures (Credit: iStock), But our primate cousins’ abilities to do all of this would likely hinge on whether they can somehow hack into our accumulated knowledge, including how to use technologies, how to engage in effective warfare, how to understand us – the enemy – and much, much more. With land based animals this has already been done with all large predators,also including some herbivores ie rhino's bulls etc by both the romans and chinese.EVERYTIME the large brown bear wins,in some cases the chinese have used polar bears which also always triumph. Chimpanzees, orangutans, bonobos and gorillas could access our computers and wield our guns while also enjoying the benefits of stronger and more agile bodies than the human form. Thousands of their skeletons have been dredged from the La Brea Tar Pits in Los Angeles, indicating that these predators lived in close proximity. Archived. Even then, though, the world likely wouldn’t revert to some sort of post-apocalyptic state of peaceful utopia. This will be a part of a tournament, so the winner will move-on to another round. Given that, who would win? Large predators like lions, tigers, bears, wolves and even non-predators like elephants and rhinos, however, could have a go at it, á la Jurassic Park. assuming that you weren't including insects and other very small creatures, I would probably bet on the Rhino since it has enough protection to withstand any attack really. But historical evidence suggest tigers are little more likely to win the duel. Marine life would almost certainly be the giant squids that live beyond our means of travel underwater. 14. 2 + Favorite. What if every animal on the planet has suddenly woken up a rational, self-aware being? The dire wolf (Canis dirus) and the saber-toothed tiger (Smilodon fatalis) are two of the best-known megafauna mammals of the late Pleistocene epoch, prowling North America until the last Ice Age and the advent of modern humans. Which of these animals would win in a fight? - https://goo.gl/Ez7t4V What If All Animals on Earth Were Reasonable? I can't think of any land animal that would be able to pierce its skin. A tough fight. This limits the time they could invest in communication, tool making, culture-building or engaging in combat. The age old questions of which horror movie slasher is strongest, most powerful, most dangerous or would win in a fight, has been haunting us for decades! Unlike human beings animals do not fight without cause or reason. What would happen if all animals were as smart as us. Who taught Joey's to climb to their mothers pouch immediately after birth unless they were pre-programmed by higher beings to do that. ? Harnessing that knowledge for their own use would be key to domination, but it is something they likely would not be able to achieve before we took them out as well. As Alex Kacelnik, a behavioural ecologist at the University of Oxford, says: “Ultimately, I think we’d beat them to the ground. If the cow goes moo, and the sheep goes baa, and the frog goes croak, and the mouse goes squeak, and the elephant goes toot....? But given our possession of modern weapons and the fact that humans are far more numerous than other large predators, those creatures’ newfound smarts would likely only allow them to outmanoeuvre us for a brief time before we obliterated them (which, incidentally, we are currently already in the process of doing for many). dominance factor: 72.2% (four legged mammal only) 92% (If humans are allowed) Open air. This is all based on the assumption that this is ONE ON ONE, animal vs. animal. I know this probably sounds like a bit of a stupid question but say if you had a massive pit large enough to fit one species of each animal in it (only land animals) and they were somehow made to try and kill each other who would be the last one standing. Archived. Birds are dinosaurs. If this were to happen I guarantee we would do whatever it takes to survive. We would win.”. Search, watch, and cook every single Tasty recipe and video ever - all in one place! When the males fight each other it is usually to win over a mate. werewolf As for the ocean it is allot tougher... Orcas could be good contenders but i don't think it could kill larger whales like the Blue Whale but the blue whale probably could not fight back that easily. It could also kill a Rhino and any smaller specie of Elephant. If all the animals in the world were put into an arena to fight to the death, what animal would win? You can sign in to give your opinion on the answer. I would bet on Man being one of the last standing as we are already the scourge of this planet. Herbivores, for example, need to spend most of their time eating grass in order to acquire enough energy to function. 89. cydro posted 9 years ago. Today, so the winner will move-on to another round likely wouldn’t revert to some sort of state... Words, all evidence points to bacteria and other microbes inheriting the.! Has `` a go for broke '' style of fighting usually to win the duel Earth, from upwards! 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