green algae taxonomy
I called Milorganite's front office to get the final story. ", I for one will stick to organic compost which I control from start to finish. If you can provide me with this information, I am grateful. To ingest [that amount] every day for a lifetime by eating sweet corn containing the amount obtained in the current study would require eating 1,349 lbs of sweet corn daily for a lifetime. Get over it. Sorry about my tone, but I'm impatient with people who do that. That being said, Milorganite meets U.S. "Exceptional Quality" standards - the most stringent regulations in the fertilizer industry, and this means it's safe for use in vegetable gardens, orchards, and other food gardens. Milorganite is one of the nation’s oldest recyclers, transforming a byproduct into a highly effective fertilizer. Milorganite is ideal for sandy or clay soils, because it adds organic matter and doesn’t leach. Juicy red strawberries? They throw medical pills in the system all the time. Crunchy carrots? I would not use it on my veggies or any edibles. I'm unimpressed by Ironite as it can exceed EPA limits on arsenic, and that arsenic is available and leaches into groundwater. Japanese beetles can be detrimental to your yard and garden, especially if you grow one of their favorites, including fruit trees, crape myrtle, and roses, among many others. I've used on the lawn once this year (I don't want this in my well). no proof of claim) look at the bottom line, (book sales). Those none human waste products are standardized not to pollute the environment.". 1.800.304.6204 0 S e ” e CAN MILORGANITE BE USED FOR MY VEGETABLE GARDEN? So it goes away. Very thankful I ran across him on Houzz. In central Texas we have "Dillo Dirt" which is composted bio-solids -- yard trimmings with some sewage sludge. I didn't know that and didn't read any of the links Dave gave prior to my initial posting. The answer depends on the type of fertilizer in question. They've been using fertilizer much like Milorganite forever. The scent from various types of marigolds repels a number of inspects, including aphids, mosquitoes, Mexican bean beetles, and whiteflies, and kills nematodes. "...Products from sewage treatment plants is much better than what is made from household trash/waste.What does go into sewage ? That's their job, to keep you safe and healthy. The fertilizer slowly releases nitrogen and provides nutrients to the plants. All I am doing here is trying to protect myself from such a repeat of an occurence. No way I would feed that to my children. But this product is made from the same type of sewage sludge responsible for deaths of many cows in Georgia. As noted above, if you're shoveling steer and horse manure on your garden, that has probably much less well control for sterility and hazardous material, it would be pretty silly not to use this stuff. Larger amounts would be required of the other vegetable crops.” (Snyder, G. 2012. #3 Fat / Grease / Oil . Aside from that, I myself have ABSOLUTELY no hesitation about using it for food gardens. Garden Dilemnma: Love trees but need to chop them down ... Help! It will not burn plant leaves. So I would HARDLY consider an agency which benefits from sewage sludge removal and a government who continues to allow food manufacturers to poison the populace as "reputable sources. When the results are not favorable to the corporate interests they represent, they suppress the release of such information or they totally omit that part of the information. The fertilizer slowly releases nitrogen and provides nutrients to the plants. Being skeptical about various claims made is perfectly fine. Since then this matter has be resolved. But oooh, it's got a CHEMICAL name, and a complicated one at that. example colds people automatically ask for antibiotic. In fact, unfertilized tomatoes sometimes contained the highest metal concentrations.” (Kussow, W., and J Iyler. I compost and use my own sludge. Milorganite has levels below those limits and does not pose a risk to the environment or human health and is safe to use on vegetable gardens. You focus on heavy metals, which we are told by reputable sources largely aren't there and, quite frankly, the manure-based compost you buy from real profit making concerns is LOADED with medicines and hormones. But should we really use Milorganite for our vegetable garden or orchard? He is basically asking us to take his word on it. That's just me though. It is fortified with 4% iron to help produce thick, green lawns without excessive growth. My neighbor is from Italy and his Dad is 80 and farms every year. You're not trying to protect yourself. Plant them in sunny areas near herbs and vegetables, particularly basil, beans, peppers, potatoes, and squash. Uh, so we'll just trust people in lower echelons? I know they test for the safety. I will completely agree with you, as I've said before here, that I will stick with my own compost which I control from start to finish. Milwaukee, WI 53204, © 2020 Milorganite. See Table 2-1 of EPS's Chapter 2 on Biosolids and compare to Milorganite's website. Gotta watch out for that di-hydrogen oxide. It's not so much a matter of pathogens, rather it's high in metals such as copper, chromium, cadmium and lead. Really think about and plan for which will attain your goal. Every spring, humans eagerly shed their winter weather gear and happily step out into their lawns and gardens to begin the work of beautifying the landscape. The leaning tree appears to be a deciduous it alive, is it a fruit tree, is it an ornamental flowering tree? Possibly 2.5 years ago, it was different then? That makes it baaaad, right? You know your neighbors are relying on you and your excess produce—especially zucchini. Very sad. Think about which way the prevailing winds come from, where the trees cast their shade and where your garden will be, where are there roads or neighbours you would like to shield your property from. Thanks again Tony and we look forward to working with you in the future., yes we did a whole eco system. New results don't make the old results lies. lived on property for 30 years (no pesticides) No chemicals (free range chickens), We all need to be responsible for our planet. The important functions of this fertilizer are listed below. If it's organic material, that organic material is going to have loads of natural oils and proteins that are packed with NPK and trace elements. The Milorganite Organic Nitrogen Fertilizer is derived from heat-dried microbes that have digested the organic material in wastewater. It could happen with Milorganite but it might not. I want my compost to be safe. So perhaps Milorganite is not that bad. Sounds pretty "reputable" to me. IMO, the uncertain level of toxicity in milorganite makes it unsuitable for use not only on vegetable gardens, but on any ground that might one day be used for that purpose. So ultimately, as with most things, using it or not comes down to your personal choice. I agree about the safety of properly produced biosolid-based compost, which I have to believe Milorganite represents. Milorganite is an all-purpose organic nitrogen fertilizer that can be used on lawns, shrubs, trees, flowers, vegetables. However, if the temps are not right, then the microbes in fertilizer will not work. For the past few years, I've not used any lawn weed killers. Work it in to a the rooting depth of the plants you’ll be growing. (Um . The only advise one can give on this subject is to do what makes you feel comfortable. I'm just curious. It is approved by the US EPA for use in all types of gardens, including vegetable gardens. Elisa, that was clever and hilarious ! If you notice on the bag's label there are instructions for using in vegetable gardens and fruit trees. If your garden needs a mid-season boost, add the same measures of Milorganite as above and gently work it into the soil being mindful to not damage the roots. Eliza, thanks for the belly laugh, and for the great link. In 1994 the label was changed to include food crops. If you want it to be organic, you can make it so. The Metropolitan Sewerage District benefits immensely from selling the sewage sludge to a company. Not sure if I want to breath in this stuff as I spread them on my roses. The study found that Milorganite, at various rates, produced the greatest amount of tomatoes and that tissue analysis “showed that there were no significant differences in the amount of heavy metals found in any of the tomatoes, whether they were fertilized or not. Those places are not disturbed. The non burning formula doesn't have to be watered-in. This vegetable can grow in any type of soil. You know the type that can contain mad cow disease and other animal born diseases. It isn't as if it is the only product or the least expensive or even the most effective product available. As mentioned above, this fertilizer is an organic fertilizer with advanced and improved functions. Just to be clear it repels deer because it smells of human waste, They hate dog waste too. When you don't understand something (no links to back up claim, no studies, reports, or evidence. Oh don't try using it on your grass though, it is almost impossible to get an even spray with those hose end applicators, and your result will be at best uneven growth, at worst, you could even kill areas with over fertilization. Really? Their research isn't good enough? You can prune some branches out of it...any dead wood and prune some branches out of the middle to lighten the load and allow light into the branches. Will it be safe to use on vegetable garden then? What concerns me is not how this stuff is made, but the fact that they do not test for all the metal contents, but just some of them. Too much industrial and corporate interests are vested in the outcomes of these studies and lab results. But the only information I have seen on the web are only from EPA and the producer. They are also on the Compost & Soil forum, the Roses, Hosta, Tomato, Orchards, Organic Gardening, Seed Starting etc. Once the nutrients are released, they’re available to the vegetables in your garden over several weeks. An option is to push back the mulch from around plants, work in the suggested amount of Milorganite, then push the mulch back into place. You can find these instances in the following: addition of flouride into public water supply, suppression and manipulation of data by the CDC regarding MMR vaccine's role in autism, glyphosate's safety when review of Monsanto's records tell a different result... Glyphosate (Roundup)was once touted as safe for human use and approved by EPA. If anyone is comfortable and ok in using this in your home, by all means use it. Milorganite can also be applied on top of mulch, but it will take longer for the nutrients to reach the soil. The addition of a little Milorganite now, whether you’re just preparing your vegetable garden or if you’ve already planted this year’s crops, will result in an abundant harvest throughout the season. You also end up with a lot of weeds that make the home look run-down. Is Ironite Safe to Use for Vegetable Gardens? I am not saying they are the "bad" guys. in florida the poor fish cooked and was sad. Milorganite is a safe, slow-release fertilizer you can use on all your vegetables and flowers when used as directed. I live close to the Milorganite plant (I suppose I must be a.... contributor) and NO WAY would I use it for anything. Milorganite is rather mild at 5-4-0 so you should be safe in Maine applying it during summer or almost any time. For years I only used it on roses but they have changed something in the process/manufacture that makes it's use on vegetables, etc... safe. Even if the company "takes it off their hands for free" the agency no longer has the problem with disposal. Some insect-deterring companion plantings have been scientifically proven, while others have been passed down through generations of gardening trial-and-error—gardening wisdom. If I were growing corn I would *consider* using Milorganite as it's cheap compared to other forms of organic nitrogen fertilizer. Milorganite is practically goof-proof since it … Would depressing the flower bed or raising the vegetable garden bed help? But I did just do some quick reading and after learning more about it, I wouldn't use it on veggies. Some plants simply don’t make good neighbors! I have seeds directly from Italy. They make the old results better. A layer of mulch around plants will help keep weeds down and conserve water. Too many of the people rely on synthetic drugs, (which all started with two really great sales men), that have side effects or are taken wrong. Hold your nose and get used to it. Grow marigolds in sunny locations throughout your vegetable garden, especially near potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and roses. Milorganite is worry-free because it contains virtually no salts, so it will not burn plants. I have read somewhere that it’s not, but the label says you can use it. Milorganite is a fertilizer made in Milwaukee, Wisc., from treated sewage sludge. The important functions of this fertilizer are listed below. The EPA has approved the product for use on edibles, it is not just a manufacturer's claim. I am sure all the lab people and the laymen working for these agencies are good and honest. 2013. 0 0. Milorganite is an excellent and safe fertilizer for all plants that grow outdoors, including vegetables and other edi ble crops. Your safety is an extremely important consideration in the production of Milorganite. Ants will move their colonies on to sunflowers. Four o-clocks. Once we decided on a design plan, he gave us a perfect visual for something we have been trying to figure out for two years. way cool. Milorganite adds much needed nutrients to the soil and it’s abundant in organic matter, which conditions the soil and helps to retain moisture. next want to work with areo ponics which is what NASA uses so i've heard. Yes, biosolids originally had higher concentrations of metals, but these days, more careful regulation and lab tests largely prevent that. It was killing their cattle from the heavy metal content. NOP doesn't allow it in certified organic growing. It is a "great" non-burning, slow nitrogen release fertilizer. If you still think it is unsafe than the blame is with the EPA and other regulatory bodies because Milorganite exceeds the standards, it is tested daily too. Q. Consider cutting down a few key evergreens, to regain your view and let in some sun and then trim the others UP, from the bottom, to a height that allows you to see the sunset but still retains some privacy and wind break. Milorganite is an all-purpose organic nitrogen fertilizer that can be used on lawns, shrubs, trees, flowers, vegetables, and as a seed carrier. “Uptake of the Pharmaceutical Triclosan in Vegetables Fertilized with a Triclosan-Containing Biosolids”). Milorganite makes … It’s the freshest you can get and there’s great satisfaction in growing and harvesting produce you’ve started from seed or plants from the garden center. All Rights Reserved. Just search on YouTube and look at the stories of farmers who were using this "organic compost" from sewage sludge on their pastures. Promotes strong roots and sturdier stems. Put it this way, they say you can use it as deer repellant. I have used Milorganite on my lawn a couple times since I last commented several years ago but will still not use it around my vegetables and berries. . Because Milorganite is a 6-2-0 composition, you will have to apply about 16.6 pounds of Milorganite per 1,000 square feet to get 1 pound of nitrogen applied to the lawn. Is Milorganite Safe. Wisconsin side should be cleaner, but it is still not desirable. How we started over 90 years ago! Anyone want to swap heirloom seeds. The city of Austin says that it is within federal standards for food gardening, though some consider the heavy metal content a little on the high side. Gardens are full of poop. As to vomit, diarrhea, and intestinal parasites, which are referred to passionately way above as being gross, manure compost has pretty much the same thing, and even compost from local organics off the ground is covered with stuff that comes out of both ends of animals. Its name is a combination of the words Milwaukee Organic Nitrogen. In theory, this makes it a fantastic choice for home gardens. Milorganite’s effectiveness as a fertilizer for tomatoes. Currently the stairs enter from the side with fencing around a very large stoop which blocks half of the front door from the street as a result of our home being built on a hill. Look I am not trying to stop people from using this stuff. I would not use it on root crops (radish, carrots, potato ..) but wouldn't mind using it on other garden veggies. It uses non-burning, slow-release nitrogen that works for up to 10 weeks. I was told that yes it takes 8-10 weeks for the fertilizer to go through its cycle. My biggest objection is the heavy metal levels in it, especially cadmium, mercury and lead. Now I hate to be cynical, but we're not talking about a reputable third party's results. I used it on my grass this year, first time. If you can make your own, there is no possible justification for using compost you purchase. One of the most trusted fertilizers on golf courses is Milorganite. What about edging between the flower garden and the vegetables? My problem is these critics have underlying agendas, who believe the ends justify the means(lying, spin and deception). Clearly the fish were poisoned from industrial waste into the Lake Michigan. No reason to immediately cut it down if it brings you pleasure in some way. Four o’clocks, which are easy to grow and have a lovely evening aroma, are a fatal favorite among Japanese beetles. The saying is "you are what you eat," and the plants pull directly from the soil all of those metals and medicines that the composting process will not get rid of. I have seen a lot of chicken bone in them. The scary myths about the product have no basis is reality. I don't know anything else about their situation, but what started out as nice landscaping is out of control. the water barrel is now inclosed in foam and the water stays cool enough to do hydroponics, we also bought and grew hydroponically in gutter system. Milorganite is practically goof-proof since it won't burn plants-even if it is over applied. Milorganite contains metals at levels found safe by EPA when Milorganite is used as directed. Nice texture. Glyphosate is a recognized carcinogen IN HUGE QUANTITIES. But again, Milorganite comes from sewage waste and contains various traces of mineral or metal. It will not burn plant leaves. Here is a link that might be useful: fertlizers. But after reading more, I do not think I'd use for that. WA state evaluates all commercial fertilizers and soil amendments for heavy metals and will prohibit their sale if above acceptable levels. And like most other fertilizers out there, Milorganite has a certain amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. You may also wonder how long does Milorganite take to work. It happens all the time and it will happen again. Is Ironite safe to use in a vegetable garden? Milorganite has added Iron, which is a useful extra for my somewhat alkaline clay. I do not like MilorganiteI do not like it, RedSun JerseyiteI would not use it on a farmI would not use it on a lawnI would not use it here or thereI would not use it anywhere!I do not like it to grow fruitI do not like the people poopI would not, could not eat its leadIt would not, could not help my headI do not like MilorganiteI do not like it, Jerseyite! I myself do not. Labeled safe for all areas of the lawn, flower and vegetable gardens and landscape plants. Would depressing the flower bed or raising the vegetable garden bed help? A. I use it for edibles occasionally. Are the heavy metals or other undesirable Milorganite components very mobile in the soil? My sources of composted biosolids sure don't smell of human waste. Raccoon, mice, and yes, even rats are easily attracted to piles that are greasy and fatty. The EPA, which weighs in on this as well, is also a government agency. Mature trees are valuable to your property and landscape too. And some home made compost, leaves and wood chips. Before planting, rototill or hoe to work into the soil 4.5 lbs (13 ½ cups) of Milorganite per 50 sq ft of garden. Alternative facts as well. When yard & household garbage is composted, the person doing the composting knows what is (and is not) present in the raw material. Milorganite has been trusted by gardeners to help nurture their gardens for incredibly abundant fruit and vegetable harvest year after year. Milorganite does not contain any salts so it can be used during drought. Plant mums near tomato plants, but avoid neighboring them near lettuce. At a minimum, everyone should research it fully before using it, and if someone decides "that's good enough for me" then that's all anyone could ever ask. Most or maybe all of the people running and managing these agencies have conflict of interest due to the practice of revolving doors. Talk about parasites and poop! Processed and red meats, alchohol, coffee, etc. Composting does not kill that and it becomes a part of this product. "Do you have results of testing of Milorganite that are done byindependent third party labs that are not affiliated with the EPA, USDA or the Milorganite producer?". I just love growing our own food. : Human waste , cleaning products (soaps, detergent,..). It prom healthy growth of trees, shrubs, and flowers, too. Just like the definitions of what the EPA consider as "grass-fed" for beef and "free-range" for chickens is NOT what most would think when they hear those terms. The MSD and EPA are not "profit-making" enterprises. Lowes and Home Depot used to have REALLY cheap compost, but that was mysteriously pulled, probably because of herbicide contamination. Sewage treatment plants is much better than what is it that arsenic is available and leaches groundwater! That article he sites no scientific research to support his claims have merit may think you 're to... Tested very safe compared to other forms of organic nitrogen fertilizer is from. Environment i.e., bees and other edible crops your statements stand on merit or they do n't trust people... Or any edibles hands for free '' the agency no longer has problem... A lot of Milorganite a day burning formula does n't mean it a. 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