Why I hate Christmas. You don’t have to point out their shortcomings with your assessment of the state-of-the-art binoculars they gave you. People buy me gifts and I have to buy them something. One time, a relative gave me a used Celine Dion karaoke cassette for Christmas. And you’ll also become kind of a dick in the process. One of the most uncomfortable situations during the holiday gift-giving time is when you receive a gift from someone when you didn't buy them anything. Be generous. Respond instantly. Any hesitation or delay on your part will tell your partner you don’t like the gift. It's especially disappointing when a friend gives you a bad gift. We consulted a gift-giving expert to decipher the hidden meaning behind what we give -- or don't give -- to those we love. That time when we express ourselves not in our words or our actions but in our shopping chops. Friends We expect lame gifts from family members sometimes, but with a friend, it can actually hurt your feelings.

Being cheap on etiquette. Gifts given for bragging rights are intended to “out-gift” someone else. Well as the other comments suggest it's not disrespectful when it's given out of their own will. We expect lame gifts from family members sometimes, but with a friend, it can actually hurt your feelings. Competitive. You know what’s worse than a cheap present? Being great at giving gifts is a gorgeous skill held by few people. Ah, the holidays. It is however a completely different case if it is a planned gift exchange. Originally Answered: is it disrespectful when someone gives you cheap gifts? I am generous and giving and always get fucked. I have no idea what to give my significant other. Think about it: when you love a gift, you cannot hold in your reaction for a millisecond. Yes, you can.