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. In other words, when the potential is higher than the actual is by definition avoidable and when it is avoidable, then violence is present. State Violence: This includes violations that are condoned and committed by individuals associated with the government. Family violence is when someone who has a close personal relationship with you harms you, controls you or makes you feel afraid. 7 Definitions in Criminal Laws violence.The Triplets—Racism,Materialism,and Militarism—are examples of structural forces that propagate violence. Uncovering as much basic knowledge as From infants to the elderly, it affects people in all stages of life. . 7 Definitions in Criminal Laws 34 Respect for persons at all stages of the research process Minimizing harm to respondents and research staff Maximizing benefits to participants and communities (beneficence) Justice: Balancing risks and benefits of research on violence … violence and, collectively, the approaches taken by each have the potential to produce important reductions in violence (see Box 1.1). In conflict regions of the world, systematic rape and sexual violence is often used as a tool of war. 6 In six states, animal cruelty, including violence or threatened violence against an animal that is owned by a victim of domestic violence or injuring or killing an animal as a means of harassing a person, is included in the definition of domestic violence. abuse in their civil definitions of domestic violence. RESEARCHING VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN . w The gender perspective on violence against women shows us that the root cause of violence lies in the unequal power relations between women and men, which ensure male dominance over women, and are a characteristic of human societies throughout the world. As this Digest demonstrates, domestic violence is a health, legal, economic, educa- tional, developmental and, above all, a human rights issue. In all societies, to a greater or lesser degree, women and girls are subjected to physical, sexual and psychological abuse that cuts across lines of income, class and culture. What is Family Violence? WHY VIOLENCE? 6 In six states, animal cruelty, including violence or threatened violence against an animal that is owned by a victim of domestic violence or injuring or killing an animal as a means of harassing a person, is included in the definition of domestic violence. The notion of ‘senseless’ violence … Acharya Vinoba Bhave, the well-reputed protagonist of non-violence in modern India, has rightly remarked that this is an Robert J. Burrowes To The memory of my uncles: Robert Burrowes and Thomas Burrowes Whose courage and ultimate sacrifice in World War II utterly shaped my destiny My parents: Beryl and James Burrowes Truly, the greatest parents of all My nephews and niece: Stephen, Megan, Michael, Quinn and Stevie Who will one day live in the nonviolent world that should have been their … number of factors, including age, severity of the violence, gender, temperament, and access to protective factors.