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What If Your MRI is "Clean" Post-Brain Injury? Complementary article to "The Neurobiology of Brain Injury." The bleeding stopped on its own but left behind lots of bruising. ... My neck was bruised and behind my left ear, which all of the injury was on the left side. Frontal lobe brain injury can range from mild and temporary, such as sustained in a mild concussion, to life threatening. The functions of the frontal lobe include: How we know what we’re doing in our environment A brain injury can be devastating, not only with regard to physical disabilities and lack of function, but for memory, speech, cognitive thinking and reasoning processes as well. It is widely held that spontaneous recovery occurs due to three principal mechanisms. Understanding Right Side Brain Injuries. Her injury was the result of bleeding in the frontal lobes of her brain, even though the impact was to the back of her head. Symptoms of Traumatic Brain Injuries When someone suffers a traumatic brain injury, they are at immense risk to suffer severe damage to their brain and as a result, can display symptoms relating to cognitive abilities and control of speech, personality, etc. Recovery from a brain injury is a slow process with no obvious end point—a practical dilemma for patients, caregivers, and medical professionals. A traumatic brain injury (TBI) is defined as a blow to the head or a penetrating head injury that disrupts the normal function of the brain. There is a lot we can do to help brain injury patients have a successful recovery, and the way to begin helping is simply raising awareness and sharing a message. First, substantial evidence exists to support the theory of diaschisis, and its reversal, following focal injury to the brain (Feeney & Baron, 1986). The brain is divided into two sides, called the right and left hemispheres. Kristine Freelund. Brain scans and other tests are not always able to show the full extent of the injury, so early in recovery it is sometimes difficult to understand how serious the injury is. I am proud to volunteer with the Brain Injury Association of America and hope to make a positive change for brain-injured patients in my home state of Oklahoma. As the brain … Related Content: Mindfulness, Meditation, and Prayer After Brain Injury. It happens when the brain rapidly shifts inside the skull as an injury is occurring. The degree of damage can depend on several factors, including the nature of the injury and the force of impact. The type of brain injury and extent of related problems, such as brain swelling, varies a great deal from person to person. 9 Tips to Starting Your Brain Injury Recovery Process. Intact brain regions, well outside of the ischemic core, undergo reduced metabolism and blood flow. After Brain Injury, Sleep Is Essential To Recovery : Shots - Health News After a serious brain injury, people often sleep just a few minutes at a time. To understand how a right side brain injury will affect you or a loved one, you’ll need to understand how the brain works. Brain damage is an injury that causes the destruction or deterioration of brain cells.. Other common traumatic brain injuries include brain contusions, coup contrecoup injuries, diffuse axonal injuries, and penetrative brain injuries. The degree of brain injury is rated according to the Glasgow coma Scale, with lower numbers denoting more serious damage and less chance of recovery from the injury, reports the Brain Injury Association of America. In some cases, you may be able to restore function and use of damaged areas of the brain through physical, speech or occupational therapy, according to the Brain Injury Recovery Network 1 .