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Amazon released a Kindle for Mac app for Apple Macintosh & OS X systems in early 2010.

In January 2011, Amazon released Kindle for Windows Phone. The book begins with a lengthy, austere, and deeply moving personal essay about Frankl's imprisonment in Auschwitz and other concentration camps for five years, and his struggle during this time to find reasons to live. Both of these factors give the Kindle a leg up on … it mean the same book is available as a digital format for a Kindle, which is a reading device. Man's Search For Meaning: The classic tribute to hope from the Holocaust eBook: Frankl, Viktor E: Kindle Store. Tags: amazon amwriting book stats indie author KENPC kindle direct publishing Kindle Edition Normalized Page Count Kindle unlimited reading self-publishing. here is a video to help you understand what is kindle. Amazon a également introduit des applications Kindle pour utilisation sur divers appareils et plateformes, y compris Microsoft Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, BlackBerry 10 et Windows Phone. Then you can start reading Kindle books on your smartphone, tablet, or computer - no Kindle device required. Amazon a également un lecteur dans les nuages pour permettre aux utilisateurs de lire des livres électroniques à l'aide de navigateurs Web modernes. Best Seller in Asian American Literature. In June 2010, Amazon released the Amazon Kindle for Android.