By the end of the Second Temple Period, the resurrection belief had become the orthodox view among the two surviving branches of Judaism. second temple judaism and new testament eschatology 599 the Davidic throne undermines the foundation of classical dispensationalism, namely the sharp distinction between Israel and the Church.8 Second, exegetical traditions arising in the welter of Second Temple Judaism surface in NT texts.
Just as sacrifice of animals is always a part of religion in the ancient world, it played an important part of the practice of religion in Jerusalem.

the study of the Law became a critically important practice for the Jews. The second temple period spans about six hundred years, beginning in the late sixth century BCE and ending with the destruction of the Jerusalem temple by the Romans in 70 CE. If Judaism were in a position of servant to the Jewish people, the satellite temples would be a way to keep Jews on the road safely in their religion.
Term of Greek origin (from Hellenistic Judaism) for the first five books of the Bible. The 'nation' expresses to Pompey its rejection of both Hyrcanus II and Aristobulus II, and its preference for a priestly theocracy. God selected Abrham, promised to bless his descendants, rescued them, revealed to them God's law, and brought them into the land.

The “central” temple suppressed satellite temples that sprang up in far flung places (Egypt, Ethiopia, etc.).

It is important that the reader takes note of where we get our knowl-edge of the Judaism of this time. Judaism: Religious and cultural life in the Diaspora During the Hellenistic-Roman period the chief centres of Jewish population outside Palestine were in Syria, Asia Minor, Babylonia, and Egypt,… The first significant Jewish Diaspora was the result of the Babylonian Exile ( q.v. ) 40 BCE: War 1.250-252 What this accomplished was a suppression of Jews traveling far from the Temple. They went into exile because they did not follow the Law, therefore they devoted themselves to the study and practice of Law. [학습] Five Key Marks of Second Temple Judaism (제2 성전기 유대주의의 다섯가지 특징) ‘제 2 성전기'(second temple period)는 유대인들이 바벨론 포로에서 돌아온 후부터(주전 6-5세기) 주후 70년 예루살렘 성전이 무너질 때까지를 유대교의 ‘제2 성전기’라고 말한다. Though temple worship had been re-established during the intertestamental period, it struggled.

Antony gives away his possessions and begins life as a hermit, a key event in the development of Christian monasticism. but was eventually destroyed by the Romans in 70 A.D.

The Second Temple was not only awe inspiring because of its religious significance, but also for its physical dimensions, its grandeur and its beauty. Judaism today is descended from Rabbinic Judaism, that is, the Judaism that emerged after the destruction of the second temple by the Romans in 70 ce. This form of Judaism was centered around the Torah and the synagogue, instead of the temple.