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note: This is the 39th in a "U2 Lists" series, where @U2 staffers pick a topic and share their personal rankings on something U2-related.] Listen to these songs again, and reconsider. Although there are a lot of sisters in it now that I think about it. With this record we were looking for the raw, naked and personal, to strip everything back.' “We wanted to make a very personal album,” Bono told Rolling Stone . By Robert E Hunt Jr Perhaps more than any other rock band, these four Irish lads get deep inside your head and even deeper into your heart. "Pride (In the Name of Love)" is a song by Irish rock band U2. Maybe you understood U2 to be vaguely spiritual or quasi-Christian-but-who-really-knows. With this record we were looking for the raw, naked and personal, to strip everything back.' Originally named and relaunched as in 2015. His lyrics frequently allude to a religious connection or meaning, evident in songs such as "Gloria" from the band's album October and "I Still Haven't Found What … For 2014’s Songs of Innocence, U2 created a concept album based on their experiences growing up in Dublin. Across the decades, what hasn't changed for U2 is its relentless inner drive to harness music's healing power. U2 Lists: 5 Songs That Describe My First Years of Parenthood @U2 November 20, 2015 [Ed. 'Songs Of Innocence is the most intimate album we've ever made. U2 is a brotherhood. 'We've always been about community in U2, about family and friends,' explained Bono. The second track on the band's 1984 album, The Unforgettable Fire, it was released as the album's lead single in September 1984. @U2 provides U2 news, lyrics, tour dates, setlists and other U2 information in a non-profit, educational setting for anyone interested in learning about the Irish rock band U2… In … List of songs with Songfacts entries for U2. 'A Kind of Family...' 'U2 is a kind of family. U2 Lists: Top 10 Love Songs @U2 February 10, 2009 by Tassoula Kokkoris [Ed. The extended family are everything to us, We look after each other. Add these to your St. Patrick's Day song playlist. Celebrate St. Patrick's Day by listening to Irish songs from Thin Lizzy, The Dubliners, and of course, U2. In February 2014, another new U2 song, the single "Invisible", debuted in a Super Bowl television advertisement and was made available in the iTunes Store at no cost to launch a partnership with Product Red and Bank of America to fight AIDS. Bono writes the lyrics for almost all U2 songs, which often have social and political themes. 'Songs Of Innocence is the most intimate album we've ever made. U2 With The Best Music Came To Satisfy Us, In This Playlist, Their Best Of The Best Songs Are Included, Enjoy! 'We've always been about community in U2, about family and friends,' explained Bono. U2 are an Irish rock band from Dublin. They've reinvented their sound several times over yet they still manage to write and perform great songs dealing with a wide range of subjects ... Love, religion, politics, sex, war, family, friendship, personal tragedy … 'We've always been about community in U2, about family and friends,' explained Bono. Chris Frantz - "Genius of Love"They're Playing My Song Chris and his wife Tina were the rhythm section for Talking Heads when they formed The Tom Tom Club. Bono called the track a … U2’s Five Most Christian Songs Of All Time. With this record we were looking for the raw, naked and personal, to strip everything back.' This song is so hymn-like that it always has a calming effect on me. 2020-02-24: U2 at the Dandelion: An Interview with John Fisher; About Us has been cataloging U2's discography and presenting transcriptions of U2 lyrics since 1995. Top 15 U2 Songs. The band formed in 1976 and released their debut … Bono’s Covid-19 song: ‘You can’t touch but you can sing across rooftops’ U2 singer releases Let Your Love Be Known on Instagram, for those ‘in a tight spot and still singing’ The information presented within these pages is accurate to the best of our knowledge but is based upon information provided by other fans, research into individual items and several books, and U2 Songs takes no responsibility for any problems resulting from use of the material as presented within.