Spoilers obviously but if you want to know the important choices, companion recruitment and companion death here is where all the action are.

Sith-Krieger - Gefährten Vette Vette, Gefährtin des Sith-Kriegers in SWTOR Eine Twi'lek, die in die Sklaverei auf dem Planeten Ryloth geboren wurde. Each class obtains five unique companions during the gameplay and a ship droid companion. Vette was left on Nar Shaddaa where she joined up with other young, idealistic Twi'leks and used her criminal abilities to rob and ruin those who exploited Ryloth's cultural artifacts and people.

I'm at 2500 / 10000 affection currently.

“A Twi’lek born into slavery on the planet Ryloth, Vette escaped a life of servitude to become an accomplished rogue and treasure hunter. An unquenchable spark, Vette is older than her years but far from mature, delighting in silly pranks and always ready to laugh at people who think too much of themselves. Too daring for her own good, she managed to breach Imperial defenses and sneak onto Korriban, gaining … All Returning Companions with SWTOR 5.10 Jedi Under Siege Jaesa, Doc, Khem and Nadia are making their way back to your character and (perhaps) to your hearts again! Vette … List of Companions in Star Wars: The Old Republic Companions are very important part of the SWTOR game since they have many different roles like DPS, healers, crafters or your romansable friends.

Companions you killed off in story like Koth, Aric Jorgan, Kaliyo, Scorpio, Torian, Vette can be reacquired at the companion locator terminal in Odessen alliance base for everyday use.

A Twi'lek born into slavery on the planet Ryloth, Vette escaped a life of servitude to become an accomplished rogue and treasure hunter. Too daring for her own good, she managed to breach Imperial defenses and sneak onto Korriban, gaining … What affection levels does it take to unlock companion quests? As you could have already guessed companions follow you everywhere and benefit you many different ways, one of those ways by helping you fight in combat.

Companions are the "pets" of Swtor and every class not only has access to a companion but they are almost a requirement to play the game. I've hit the far side of the halfway mark in SWTOR, and though I've been lugging Khem Val for most of that (complaining every step of the way), I've yet to be asked to go on any quests for him.