I’d prefer redundancy as the job has and will have changed so much that I no longer like it, but would take redeployment. If redeployment to a suitable alternative post is identified at this stage (initially within their faculty or division), this will also be discussed. If your employer is making you redundant, where possible they should try to offer you 'suitable alternative employment' within their organisation or an associated company. Redundancy: redeployment prospects should be explored 28 Aug 2013 | 453 Views The Fair Work Commission has ruled that in a redundancy situation, it was harsh, unjust and unreasonable to dismiss an employee without full and proper exploration of actual redeployment opportunities that may have been suitable and available. Your employer should tell you: when you’ll get your redundancy pay – this should be no later than your final pay date, unless you both agree another date in writing; how you’ll get paid, for example in your monthly pay or separate payments; Up to £30,000 of redundancy pay is tax free. 5.
REDUNDANCY AND REDEPLOYMENT POLICY AND PROCEDURE Version 2.0 Page 7 of 30 December 2012 3.7 Minutes should always be taken at each collective consultation meeting and should be circulated to both the LTUS/NTUS and management as soon as reasonably possible after each consultation meeting. any time from now until 31st Oct or I chose redeployment and either look for another job within the company or do nothing and get made redundant at the end of Oct????? Your employer should calculate your redundancy pay for you. When revising job roles, employers should remember: Voluntary redundancy pay . You should check your contract of employment and terms and conditions which will identify any contractual redundancy arrangements. Whether a job is 'suitable alternative employment' depends on several things including: This means that the employer should not confine its consideration to a particular geographic zone or division of an employer's enterprise. If your employer is making you redundant, where possible they should try to offer you 'suitable alternative employment' within their organisation or an associated company. I’d be really grateful if someone can let me know if this is worth raising to HR? You should also receive a written explanation of how your employer calculated it. Assessing for redundancy or redeployment - top tips.
REDUNDANCY AND REDEPLOYMENT POLICY AND PROCEDURE Version 2.0 Page 6 of 30 December 2012 b) the number and descriptions (i.e. If an employer wrongly treats a job offer as a suitable alternative and refuses to pay an employee redundancy pay as a result, the employee may lodge a claim for a statutory and/or enhanced redundancy pay and unfair dismissal. You’re entitled to statutory redundancy pay if you have been with your employer for two years or more. If the employer is not meeting their duties on redeployment, you may have been unfairly dismissed. It was held that had broader enquiries been made, it was probable that redeployment opportunities would have been identified.