The IEEE Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) Board partnered with Region 7 in hosting IEEE Sections Congress 2020 (SC2020) in Ottawa, Canada, at the Shaw Centre 21 to 23 August 2020. What's bundled in the Membership fee? One of today's top offers is: Try The IEEE Member Digital Library Free For 30 Days. — VAT, all taxes and charges are included for all fees. IEEE membership offers access to technical innovation, cutting-edge information, networking opportunities, and exclusive member benefits. We will discuss the IEEE student membership benefits, membership fee and IEEE membership card. Membership Renewal. This drawing is open to existing IEEE members that have at least 1 year of service and Society Affiliates who renew their membership for the 2020 membership year. The SMC Society membership fee includes electronic access to the IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Systems, IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, and IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics. — No-Show policy applies in IEEE GPECOM. For all of the new topical journals launching in 2020, the article processing fee will be US$1,750. With paid membership in IEEE or any of the IEEE societies sponsoring the QCE20, you will receive an approximate discount of 20% on all available QCE20 conference registration fees. • A NPSS Student Chapter Membership Fee Subsidy has been established for up to 200 student memberships per year up to a maximum cost of $5.4k/year for 2020-2022. For IEEE Access, the multidisciplinary journal, the article processing fee is US$1,750. IEEE ComSoc Membership - Make Our Community Your Community. IEEE Students is part of the world's largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. While membership is not required for participation, membership allows participants to ballot on standards and assume leadership roles in standards working groups. Members to whom the society bylaws grant special discounts (e.g., Students, Life members of the IEEE) cannot use the discounted rates to cover the publication of an accepted paper, they have to pay the Member fee. Only IEEE Member or Non-member fees are allowed to cover the publication of an accepted paper. IEEE staff, members of the IEEE Board of Directors, or members of the Standing Committees of the Board are not eligible. 3.1.6 Conferences See individual journal author instructions for specific details. Become an IEEE member to reduce your registration fees; Full Conference Registration Options. Members also receive reduced rates at the annual conference and conferences sponsored by the SMC Society; IEEE Senior Member.