- BDLI) with more than 215 members represents the interests of an industrial sector, which owing to international technology leadership and worldwide success has become a significant driver of economic growth in Germany. – BDLI) with more than 200 members represents the interests of an industrial sector, which owing to international technology leadership and worldwide success has become a significant driver of economic growth in Germany. ADS - Advancing UK Aerospace… There are very few online resources that have collected this type of information in one place, so I've compiled this list that I hope you find helpful. The German component supplier industry is playing its part in the ramp-up of the civil aviation programmes. Avascent is pleased to announce that it has recently become a member of the German Aerospace Industries Association, also known as BDLI. german aerospace industries association How Airbus is mentoring aviation startups in its first accelerator outside Europe The startups get access to a dedicated coach who helps them navigate through Airbus and connect them to all the teams in the company to develop pilots. Primarily based in the Stuttgart region, Safran designs, develops and produces inertial sensors and equipment for flight control and navigation systems, as well as for industry. The German Aerospace Industries Association (BDLI) is the primary industry representative for the aerospace sector in Germany.
Hamburg Aviation is the brand name of the "Luftfahrtcluster Metropolregion Hamburg e.V."
German Aerospace Industries Association (BDLI) Aerospace industries as a technology driver: As a key industry for future technologies, the aerospace industries are currently exhibiting significant growth in the German economy. With 150 members and the establishment in 2014 we have a perfect base to develop your business and to connect you to the world. Find out more about the aerospace industry in our focus on the sector (in German). National Associations. More - German Aerospace Industries Association. The German Aerospace Industries Association (BDLI) represents the interests of the German Aerospace Industry. AAI - Austrian Aeronautics Industries Group. Communication with political institutions and authorities is one of the major tasks of the BDLI, as well as providing a variety of services in Germany and abroad for its members. Association in Germany Motion Logistics Network GmbH is an internationally network headquartered in Germany. In addition, Marco Fuchs has also held the position of Honorary Consul of Italy in Bremen since 2008 and has been the Vice President of Aerospace at the German Aerospace Industries Association (BDLI) since 2017.