These colors typically do not change. Red is the color used universally to signify danger, courage, strength, and power. Colors carry their own special influence on every aspect of life. Applying color psychology in everyday life. ... color, colorear, en color… See more . The one or two colors in your aura that are closest to your body, however, are your life colors. From causing changes to changing reactions, colors are more powerful than we think. Depending on our interpretations, they can be used for both good and evil. Fortunately, we have the power […] It can also be used as an accent color to draw attention to something on your packaging, or to get visitors to ‘buy it now’ on your website. Life seems to work out your way and you always have a sincere smile on your face. The color green of the Maharashtra represents life and happiness. How to use color in a sentence. Red is … “ Life is like a box of crayons. Improve your vocabulary with English Vocabulary in Use from Cambridge. It is spiritual yet practical, encouraging common sense and a balanced outlook on life. The Power of Color Colors play an exceptionally prominent role in our lives. This color attracts the most attention and is associated with strong emotions such as love and anger. Surrounding yourself with a particular color will bring its special qualities to you in a greater way. Stability, harmony, peace, calm and trust are just some of the feelings your customer may feel about your brand when you integrate the color blue into your branding. In the western world, the color red is seen frequently of symbolizing anger or aggression. People are drawn to you because of your self-assurance and your captivating aura. You have many different bands of color in your aura. You are very resourceful and powerful at the same time. The outer bands in your aura change all the time – depending on what is happening in your life at that time. Being charitable adds meaning to your life as well, so think about the things you love to do and find a way to do them as a volunteer for a non-profit organization. In color psychology, blue’s color meaning ties closely to the sea and the sky. Orange is for creativity, youth and enthusiasm The meaning of orange What orange means: As a secondary color, orange combines the warmth and heat of red with the playfulness and joy of yellow. The color blue is like infinity like the vastness of the oceans and sky. Need a translator? The sweetness of pink carries your scent and essence to me, on a wave of love…on a day of love.