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Unlike other succulents, aeoniums’ active growth period is during fall, winter and spring seasons. I now have 3 of them in pots and a few in the garden so I want to share with you how I take cuttings of this small tree-like succulent. When your aeoniums have shed most of their leaves and look like they are dying, most likely they are just going through dormancy. What makes a succulent a succulent is that it has adapted to arid or seasonally dry conditions by being able to store water for the dry season – either in its leaves (like an agave), in its trunk (like a cactus or Aeonium), or its roots (like an asparagus fern). Oh you guys, I love succulents. Aeoniums are odd looking succulent plants, with long, arching stems and rosettes of leaves that can often look so perfect, you might think they were fake.You'd be forgiven if you had to touch one to tell if it was real or rubbery plastic. If you notice that your cactus has discolored, dry, or drooping leaves or segments, there are a number of possibilities for what could be bothering it. How to Save a Dying Cactus. I’m throwing this picture in just for fun. Have a succulent that's not looking its best? Aeoniums Shedding All of their Leaves and Drooping–Are they Dying? Debbie, like her sister, ‘Bashful,’ is one of many spreading, low-level purple succulents that loves the heat and full sun of a warm-climate garden. Large conical clusters of bright yellow star-shaped blooms. Have you ever noticed your succulent dropping leaves or the stem turning black? This was of the very 1st succulents I ever bought and I carried it with me when I moved to Santa Barbara. 5 Reasons Your Succulents are Dying and What to Do. Succulents include all plants that store water in thick stems, roots or leaves. They are the official flower of my life, now and forever. Aeonium arboreum ‘Zwartkopf’ is a striking succulent with clumps up to 3 feet (90 cm) tall gray-brown stems that often branch near their base. Aeonium arboreum "Zwartkop," commonly called black rose, is an ornamental succulent grown for its purplish-black foliage, which is arranged in a rosette … Succulent Sponsor This episode is brought to you by Graptosedum ‘California Sunset.’ This These plants need plenty of light to thrive; therefore they do really well outdoors where they can get plenty of sunlight. In this episode, you'll learn what to do if your succulent has a black stem, and the steps you can take to save it. This post 5 Reasons Your Succulents Are Dying and How to Help Them contains affiliate links. There are succulents among many species and genera. The long, bare stems hold large terminal rosettes (up to 8 inches/20 cm in diameter) of very dark purple, almost black leaves. by Geoff Stein (palmbob) September 17, ... Black is generally another bad color and is often associated with necrosis (dead tissues), another often abnormal and bad color change. Succulents vary from small-as-Tom-Thumb to big-as-Jack's-beanstalk, and they grow and flower in a rainbow of shades. To learn more visit my About Me page. Succulents aren’t exactly a plant group of their own. It probably needs a little TLC to bring it back to life.